Chapter 19: Reunions

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After some time they reached where the pipes entered the tunnel and Fawkes landed before them. Neville remembered about the lifting capacity of a Phoenix and they each grabbed one of Fawkes' feet. He had the strange sensation of being weightless, and Fawkes flew up through the pipes with them trailing behind.

Before long they emerged into Myrtle's bathroom and Neville let go, tumbling onto the floor. He grabbed his ankle and growled in pain, then watched as Ginny gently touched the ground, still holding onto the Phoenix. She helped him back on his good foot, apologizing for his pain.

Now that they had access to windows they could see it was just growing light outside. They made their way into the corridor and Neville saw a message on the wall written in blood.


When they passed it earlier that night a blanket was hanging over and concealing it. Neville didn't want to upset Ginny further, but he did have questions. She saw the message and began crying again, so Neville tried his best to comfort her.

"It wasn't really you," Neville explained, "he was controlling you. He gave you no choice."

* * *

They made it to McGonagall's office and found Dumbledore was there as well, along with Ginny's entire family. They all jumped up and gave her hugs, expressing how glad they were that she was safe. Ginny just wept.

They tried to thank Neville with hugs too, but settled for handshakes when they learned of his broken ankle. He was offered a seat, and once he was off of his feet he didn't know what to do with the Sword. Dumbledore was watching him, so Neville handed the Sword over to him, handle first.

"And here's the Sorting Hat, too," he said, pulling it from where it was tucked into the belt of his robe. He then realized the Phoenix was gone. "Where did Fawkes go? She brought me the Hat and helped us out of the Chamber."

"She is likely back on her perch," said Dumbledore in a quiet voice. "If you do not mind, I would like to take you to the Hospital Wing where we can talk in private."

Neville tried to stand, and Dumbledore was at his side helping him. "I can –"

"No," Neville said almost too forcefully, "no Magic, thanks. I can get there if you help." Dumbledore took his arm and they headed toward the Hospital Wing.

On their way, Dumbledore explained what happened while Neville and Ginny were in the Chamber. While patrolling the Castle, Professor Lockhart discovered the message on the corridor wall, and a quick bed-check revealed that Neville and Ginny were the only two missing. McGonagall immediately contacted Ginny's parents who Apparated to Hogsmeade and were brought to the Castle. Her brothers were eventually awakened and joined them.

McGonagall also contacted Dumbledore at the Ministry directly.  Neville's Gran was also contacted, but she would not be able to come tonight. Although Dumbledore knew where the entrance to the Chamber was, it did no good because it would not open without someone who spoke Parseltongue. So all they could do was wait.

They arrived at the Hospital Wing and were met by Madam Pomfrey.

"I'm back," Neville said to her, "did you miss me?"

"Well, yes and no," she replied. "You know how it is. I can see you have a worthy escort. What is it this time?"

"Broken ankle," Dumbledore said, and he helped Neville onto one of the beds. "And it looks like there is also a cut on his arm, and at least one bump on his head."

"Goodness, Neville," Madam Pomfrey teased, as she began tending to him, "what have you been doing this time?"

"Monster hunting," he said, smiling and looking down at his fiddly hands.

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