Part 1: The Encounter.

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(Y/N) (L/N), was casually strolling pass the walkway in the small and somewhat dreary town of Jericho. A passing by black pontaic limousine caught the attention of the teen as it passed through the empty road of the town. "Well that's something you don't see everyday." (Y/N) thought to himself.


Wednesday Addams, the newly transfer student in Nevermore Academy exits the car of Principal Weems and enter the building where her appointed therapist is supposedly waiting for her.

Wednesday arrived at the front door of the office and gives it a couple of slight knocks. She was answered by Dr.Kinbott.

"Oh! You must be Miss Addams. Please come in." The lady took a few steps back allowing the girl into the office.

"Well time sure flies when you're enjoying yourself, right (Y/N)?" As Wednesday is taking in the sight of the bright setting in the room, (Y/N) rose up from the sofa.

Turning around, he saw the pale and creepy girl standing in front of him. Short glance were exchanged between them before (Y/N) picks up his bag and walks towards the door.

"I'm looking forward for our next session (Y/N)." (Y/N) stand there for a moment, taking in a slow deep breath. "That is, if I'm still alive. Thank you for your time doc."

He proceeded to exit the room and make his way to his favorite establishment in town, the Weathervane.


(Y/N) arrived at Weathervane and goes to counter to place his order. "One hot chocolate." (Y/N) makes his order and caught the attention of Tyler Galpin.

"Hey (Y/N). Seeing Kinbott today?" He asks as he works on preparing the customer's order.

"Yup." After his order's done, he picks up the drink and walks toward the booth that's facing the main entrance of the café.

Wednesday Addams arrived at the establishment soon after. The moment she walks in, she finds herself exchanging glance with (Y/N), the very same guy who just left the therapy office that she escapes from.

She turns her glance away soon after and proceeds towards the counter. "That was fast. Wonder if Kinbott's still alive?"

The coffee machine was having some kind of seizure. Steam whirled up from it giving Tyler a trouble of the day but what comes after gives him a mini heart attack as Wednesday emerged in front of him.

"Jesus!? You have a habit of scaring people?" "It's more of a hobby." The young barista was stunned for a moment until he takes a looked at her uniform.

"You went to Nevermore? First time seeing that kind of colours." "I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency." She said in a normal yet demanding voice. "Uh.." "It's four shot of espresso." "Yeah but in case you didn't notice, the machine's having a breakdown and all we have right now is drip."

"A drip is for people who hate themselves, aimless and frequently got lost in their miserable life." Unbeknownst to them, (Y/N) heard the last part and chuckled at the comment she just made.

After some exchange with the barista, Wednesday decided to help him fix the machine. (Y/N) soon came up to the other side of the counter and using the drip to fill his empty cup.

"Refill? That's rare coming from you." "As if therapy wasn't enough, she had to bring in her sister to help with my issues." (Y/N) said before taking in a slurp from his newly refilled cup. Tyler looking at the male couldn't grasp on what he's getting at and tilt his head a little.

"The sister's name is terrible." (Y/N) said and earned a little chuckled from Tyler. "Terrible jokes came from terrible session I guess?" Both of them chuckled at that statement.

"For a guy just came out of therapy, you sure can come up with a broken joke. I've heard better jokes from a five year old." Tyler was somewhat taken back by the comment which prompted him to take a step back.

Wednesday came into (Y/N)'s view after she just fixed the coffee machine. "For a girl who just came out of therapy, you sure are helpful."

(Y/N) said as he before he takes another slurp from his drink. "New girlfriend?" He proceeds to ask Tyler after finishing his drink. Before Tyler could respond, Wednesday walks several steps closer to (Y/N) staring into his eyes.

If looks could kill, (Y/N) would've died several times over. "I'm gonna cut out your tongue in your sleep and feed it to the hyenas." Wednesday says with her serious tone as the staring goes on between the two.

"I prefer the vultures. Call me if you see one." (Y/N) said as he filled his cup with some more coffee from the drip before he goes back to his booth and continue his reading.


Wednesday was sitting at the booth next to (Y/N)'s. But what caught her attention was the title of the book that he's reading. (The Red Moon) with creepy font at the cover of the book.

It was at this moment that three young male dress as pilgrims walks in the café and immediately approach Wednesday's booth.

"What's a Nevermore freak doing in our seats!?" Lucas Walker question the raven haired girl. "I didn't know Halloween arrives early in Jericho." "What's that supposed to mean?!" Jonah asked clearly offended by the remarks.

"People usually dress up stupid for Halloween occasion. Like the three standing in front of me right now. " "My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who're you calling stupid?!"

"Hey guys knock it off." Tyler said as he arrived on scene trying to stop whatever disaster that's about to occur. "Stay outta this Galpin." Lucas said shoving the young barista back a few steps. "Yes. Stay out of this." Wednesday says as she stands out of the booth ready to tear the three down to pieces.



Lucas turned and immediately regretted his tone against the seemingly annoyed male. (Y/N) closed his book hard with a thud and stood up facing the three pilgrims.

"Oh. H...Hey (Y/N). Didn't notice you're here." The three were clearly astonished by (Y/N)'s presence in the café.

"Leave." (Y/N) demanded. "But we just.." "I won't ask a second time." Carter was cut off by (Y/N) demand as the three quickly scooch out the place.

"I can handle them." Wednesday says. "And ruin my reading time? No thanks." (Y/N) sits back down after the statement.

"Yeah, and the last thing I want is to stay another hour cleaning up the mess that's about to happen if (Y/N) didn't stepped in. You got a train to catch remember?" "Yes." Wednesday replies after a moment of silence between the three. And in walks Sheriff Galpin.

"Tyler, I just saw Walker's kid and his friends on my way here blabbering about this place. What the hell happened?"

"Uh..." Before Tyler could reply Principal Weems burst in the door in an anxious manner. "Principal Weems. Here for some hot chocolate perhaps?"

The sheriff ask. "For her actually." Weems said looking at the runaway student. "Come on Miss Addams, time to go." Caught by the principal Wednesday walks pass the sheriff getting ready to leaves through front door.

"Wait a minute, you're an Addams? Please don't tell me you're related to Gomez Addams?" The question clearly caught Wednesday's interest. "What about it?" "He's a criminal that should be behind bar that's what." The sheriff countered.

"Been there, done that." (Y/N) says gaining attentions from all four. "This doesn't concern you (Y/N). Read your book." "I intended to but y'all just had to ruined the mood." Putting the book back into his bag, he gets up from the booth and leaves the place.


This is part one of my fanfiction based on the popular Netflix show. Fact about me English is not my first language so if you find any mistake feel free to correct me.

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