Part 14 Parents Weekend.

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Parents weekend arrived which caused Wednesday to put the incident on hold. The thought of seeing her parents again is putting her on edge.

"I'm happy to report that Eugene is currently on the mend and is expecting to make full recovery." Principal Weems announced in front of all the students and parents.

"On the mend? Try coma." Wednesday and Enid standing far back witnessing the announcement.

"Have you been to see him? You're his friend." "I'm the reason he's in there." Wednesday still blame herself for the incident.

"It was the monster's fault, not yours." Her roommate says in a soft tone try to comfort her. "If only I didn't go to the stupid dance with Tyler, both of them would be okay." Enid was dumbfounded by the statement.

"Both?" "(Y/N) was there the other night. He got into a tiff with the monster before it got to Eugene. And now one of them is half dead and the other is missing."

"Missing?" The female werewolf ask again. "I've been looking for him this past week. He's not in his house, and Tyler said he didn't go to school either." Wednesday concluded.

The girls then spotted their respective family and begins to join them. After being convinced by Principal Weems, the Addams agreed to attend a family therapy together.

Getting into a squabble with her mother over the murder case regarding Garrett Gates, frustrated, she left the therapy office and go to the hospital instead.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on him. Any updates?" Wednesday asked the severe hand. Thing signal some messages. '(Y/N) was here every night. He seems sad.' Wednesday's surprise at the revelation.

"Do you ask where he is?" Thing shrugged. "They don't deserve this. It should've been me." Wednesday stood there disappointed with herself.

"If (Y/N) shows up tonight, tell him to come and find me." Thing gives her a thumbs up. Eugene's moms soon walked in the room ending the conversation.


"Aren't you hungry darling?" Morticia asked her daughter after they got back to the quad. The place was filled with gatherings of students and their parents chatting and catching up.

"My appetite eludes me mother. Same way the truth eludes you." The chattering around the quad soon died down. All the parents and student looked at the entrance. Wednesday's family followed suit.

Principal Weems was standing there with her hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. He looks horrible. Dark eyes circle became visible, hair is a complete mess. Looks like the homeless old man they met in the original meeting house only younger.

Some whispers are exchanged between the others. Weems whispered something to (Y/N) before she left. (Y/N) standing there, hands in his pocket taking in the scenery before he was approached by Wednesday.

"Where have you been?" She was checking out the boy wondering how he got into this kind of condition. "Is that a need to know basis?" Both of them just stand there for a moment, the Addams approach the two.

"You looked like that time I woke up at the coffin shop. Do you know this fine young man my crisis bringer?" Gomez Addams asks her daughter checking out the boy. No answer from Wednesday, she didn't know where to start. Her eyes are glued to (Y/N)'s feet in front of her.

"I'm sorry." The Addams eyes gone wide looking at (Y/N). "I shouldn't talk to you that way the other day. I was so angry at myself that I just let my anger out on you." (Y/N)'s apology caught them by surprised. Wednesday felt a huge relief but didn't show any signs to them.

"Who are you and what have you done with (Y/N)? Self torture perhaps?" Wednesday asks crossing her arms. "I locked myself in darkness for a couple of days, either I'm sobered now or wiped my past memories. I wish it was the latter though."

"You looked hungry young man. Come, join us at the table. There's a lot of edible here." (Y/N) accepted the offer from Gomez and was making his way to their table before three hairy men gets in front of him.

"You got a lot of nerves coming back here." The one threatening him is Jacob's father, the one that got his nose broken by (Y/N) not too long ago. "What are you gonna do about it?" (Y/N) replied unfazed by his threat.

"Uncle Tom! Stop!" Enid yell tried to make her way to the center but was pulled by her father. "This doesn't concerned you Enid. Stand down." "Yeah Enid. Listen to your uncle." (Y/N) says looking at the werewolves in front of him. Wednesday came in between the two. "You got a problem with (Y/N) being here?" Her action stunned the people around them.

"Do you have any idea what he did!?" The older man is frustrated. "I've heard about his capabilities. Breaking nose is just a child's play. I'm surprised Jacob's neck hasn't been broken by (Y/N) yet." Wednesday stare into the eyes of the man.

"What is wrong with you!? It's because of people like him that this school was built in the first place. Why are you defending him?" Wednesday thought for a moment.

"Because he is my partner." She blurted out. "Excuse me?" Some whispers and gossip began filling the quad. (Y/N) let out a short whistle. "Nice safe." "Don't start." (Y/N) and Wednesday then make their way to the buffet followed by her family. The three werewolves just stand there dumbfounded.

They sat down at the table and (Y/N) immediately when ballistic on his foods. It's a surprise that Wednesday can sits besides him unbothered by the antics. "How did you two know each other?" Morticia inquire looking at the pair in front of her.

"She broke into my house the other night." (Y/N) says with his mouth half full. "Woah" Pugsley says looking at his sister amazed by her bold action. "My Wednesday is all grown up. Nevermore never disappoint." Gomez says giving his fingers a French kiss.

"I remember the first time I broke into Ophelia Hall just to see my Tish." The married couple locked eyes with one another with a huge smile across their faces. "It wasn't anything you imbeciles imagine." Wednesday says giving (Y/N) a side glance.

"What stages has this partnership reached (Y/N)?" Morticia ignore her daughter's remarks. "I don't know. I just apologize like five minutes ago. Fresh start maybe?" (Y/N) shrugged looking at the girl besides her awaiting her approval.

"Speaking of fresh, let me see your wounds." Wednesday stopped (Y/N) from eating pulling up the right sleeves of his hoodie revealing several clawed scars and some bruises. The Addams were shocked except the youngest who's in awe. "That's so cool. Where did you get that?"

"You might want to tone down on the assaults Wednesday. Give the boy some time to, adapt to the Addams way of life." Gomez winked at (Y/N) who's confused by the speech. "All this and your sanity is still intact, impressive." (Y/N) says pulling his sleeves back down. "You haven't seen anything yet." The girl says.

"(Y/N)?" The five turned their heads as Weems and Thornhill reached the table. "Hey mom." Thornhill shifted her glass looking at her son. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought him here Marilyn." She turned towards the tall lady.

"It is Parents Weekend, and it's not limited to only students. Ever since you got into the academy you've been nothing short of hardworking. But overtime it cause a strain in the relationship between you and your family. You need each other." The principal then leaves the table making her way back to the office.

"Well this is awkward. Oh well. Can I sit next to you?" Thornhill looked at her son for approval. Wednesday and (Y/N) shifted their position for her to join them.

Part 14 done. Where do guys think (Y/N) stayed this past few days? Usually I would publish like 3 to 4 parts every time but it's getting slow for me this past few days so I'm gonna publish this two for now.

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