Part 25 Revelation.

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After Wednesday got back to the academy, she immediately rushed to her room and approached Thing who's typing her typewriter.

"Thing. It's an emergency. Flip over." Wednesday wrote down some numbers and her name within the palm before Thing flipped again.

"Go to (Y/N). It's urgent." Thing quickly scrambled out the room. When Enid returned to her room, she noticed Wednesday was sitting on her table with her laptop already on.

"Wednesday? Why is my laptop on?" Wednesday didn't turned. Her eyes still glued to the screen.

"I'm waiting for (Y/N)'s call." She says in a stern tone. Enid pouted before going to stand besides her.

"You seriously got to stop giving my numbers to someone else. If you're so desperate, you could just get yourself a phone. So much for not being enslaved to modern technology."

"It's an emergency Enid." Soon, a blank profile picture with some numbers appeared on screen. Wednesday immediately accept the call to be met by (Y/N) who's laying on his bed half topless at least.

Enid stared at the boy in her laptop for moment.

"Missed me already? Oh. Hi Enid." The boy asks from within the screen earning a wave from Enid.

"Sadly no. Major issue. Where's your glove?" (Y/N) was dumbfounded for a moment.

"The glove you wore at the Gates mansion. Do you still have them?" Enid looked at Wednesday then at the screen.

"I lost the right one at the mansion. Someone must've took it while they were clearing the place. Did you found it?"

"Yes. It's probably locked up in the evidence room at the police station. Along side the blade that killed Kinbott." (Y/N) and Enid both are stunned by the statement.

"What!?" Enid begins to panic.

"Huh. What a weird coincidence." Now Wednesday is curious by his reply.


"I told you I'm meeting Xavier today. Says he got some nightmare again. The main plot is about Kinbott's death." Wednesday is speechless for moment.

"So they used my glove to do it. Smart move." (Y/N) says as gets up sitting on his bed.

"Enough about that. You need to get out of there. Bring Thing and meet me at the school's front gate."

"Why? It wasn't me who did it. Besides, it's not like you told them the glove belongs to me. Right?" Wednesday is starting to get frustrated by his calmness.

"I haven't yet. But if you don't take this case seriously, I'll go over there and dragged you to the police station myself. So move it." (Y/N) just shrugged.

"Relax. It's not like they're gonna get the results in a day. But if you really miss me that much, maybe I'll pack my stuff tomorrow and go bunk in your room." Wednesday rolled her eyes while Enid was completely dumbfounded by his speech.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, but something serious is going to happen. If there is a reward sent out for you, I'll be the first to actually claimed it." (Y/N) just laugh off the threat before he blow the screen a kiss and shut off.

"Are you and (Y/N) actually like, you know, hooked up?" Wednesday got up from her seat and turned towards her roommate with a cold glare.

"Guess not."


After finishing the conversation, (Y/N) find a shirt to wear before he exit his room with Thing on his shoulder. He took off the large cloth that's covering his piano and place Thing there per the hand's request.

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