Feeling? Or hatred?

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Na'li pov ~
I was riding my ilu when I see kiri looking at the sand so I go up to her and poke her "kiriii" she pops out "oh hey look at the sand!" So I look 'look at the little creatures' she signs 'they're pretty right' 'yeah they are' we pull our heads out the water since we hear noises "hm?" I look up see anoung and slightly smile until "I said are you some kind offf freak?" I stare at him "whatever" and we walk away

but they grab her hand "look you don't even have a normal hand!" I grab the hand he's holding and rip it off his grasp "and you you don't even look like a na'vi with your white hair and bright blue eyes!!" "Yeah" "freak" "weirdo" is all I hear "you wanna know something I fucking hate you leave us alone " I say to anoung and I could tell it hurt him but he covers it up until my brothers show up "she said let them alone!" I turned to him and smirk as I see his hair swinging as he walks

"Baby bro to the rescue" but he stops as anoung stops him "you will leave them alone and you will respect my sisters. Got it?" Anoung just raises his hand in surrender we walk away until we hear they keep saying stuff so lo'ak turns around and decided to do something stupid like always do he goes up to anoung and well he does stupid shit like always "you see this hand weird right but it can do something really cool watch we put it in a ball real tight and then-!" He punches him straight in the face three times

"it's called a punch bitch don't ever touch my sisters!" And then a fight broke out "ow my tail" "ow my ear" I have to stop this "HEY STOP IT!" But they continue so I decide to do something I learned to do my eyes glow and I hiss and they all stop and turn to me "stop it before i break all of your heads off!" They stop until my father and the oloeyktan come "let's go!" Said my father so I go

"What did I say" "not to get into trouble" "exactly now go apologize to him" I look at my father "but he was making fun of kiri and Na'li!" "I don't care just go apologize I don't know how you do it just go!"
Once he left me and neteyam were gonna go but we were stopped "how did the others look like?" "Worse a lot worse" "ok good now go" we left smiling

"hey isn't that anoung?" We go to him "where's lo'ak?" He turns and immediately frowns "where the hell is my brother!?" I scream louder this time " 'li calm down" I turn to him and hiss "we took him out the reef and left him there "YOU DID WHAT?!" Neteyam was now equally as mad as me now I grab his arm and neteyam his neck "you will tell my father what you did!" And we drag him to my dad
"Tell him TELL HIM WHAT YOU TOLD US!" My dad heard me screaming and he knew I only got mad mad if things were bad

"Your son took my son out the reef and he left him" "I'll get a search team to go get him" he blew the alarm and I put my ears down since it was loud I walked away and was now panicking "hey I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to end like this we were gonna go get him afterwards" I turn slowly " you think leaving my brother who can't defend himself for shit to the creatures here and doesn't know shit about them and who could probably be hurt!!" I said angrily and out of sadness "I'm sorry I really am how can I make it up" I stare at him " another ilu ride and properly apologizing to him" he smiles at the first part and them slightly frowns "fine I will and how about the ilu ride later?" "Sure" I smile

The horn blows and I run "he's okay he's fine!" I hear my father I run towards him and hug him and whisper "I thought you were gone" I sigh of happiness and grab his cheek "oh lo'ak I see you brother" his eyes have happiness in them "I see you sister" I smile I see my mother and move "oh eywa give me the strength to not pluck the eyes of my youngest son" she hisses "no it was my sons fault he is sorry" he then grabs him by the neck so he's kneeling "it's not his fault i forced him to take me" anoung looked shocked but covered it up "I'm sorry I'll deal with him"

Hope y'all enjoy this one I'm trying my best to stick with the story and soon ronal will try and get closer as some boy has been talking about you quite fondly~ Michi out!🫶🏼

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