strawberry and cigarette

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Author's POV:
Taehyung was in so much stress, something was bothering him. To be exact the extra pressure of working on new project which he just launched.

It wasn't the only point. He always had gone through such work load as suitable to his workoholic personality. But since he had revealed his relationship with yn, there were more chaos began.

After all he was the most famous and handsome batchelor, young CEO of whole south Korea. Not only that but the dominating and ruthless image he had in business field made quite a lot hidden enemies for him.

He was getting threat notes about harming his precious which he found totally baseless because he had great faith on himself that no one can touches the strand of his only beloved in his existence.

He was simply annoyed and wanted to find who can do such idiotic thing.

Where on the other hand yn knew, there was something which was bothering him. She was good at finding his hidden emotions no matter how much he tried to act emotionless. It always worked on other people but never on her.

Not finding him on bed, she walk downstairs to find him. It was past two, she looked around in their two story apartment, just to see him smoking in their open balcony of living room.

He was sitting on floor, two three already smoked sticks were laying on floor, she sigh in disappointment while walking towards kitchen and come up with bowl full of strawberries. His favourites.

Walking towards him without him noticing, she sat in between his legs comfortably startling him in process. He looked at her, little surprised.

"What are you doing here?" He asked tugging the strand behind her ear. His voice was little raspy whisper which almost made her feel thing.

"What are you doing here?" She reciprocate while making herself comfortable on his lap. He sigh and securely wrap his other arm around her tiny waist pulling her until her back touches his hard chest. She smiled at that the gesture. "can't sleep."

No matter how much worried, stress or angry he felt at times, he never pushed her away.

"Same here" she said with shrugged, she place the bowl infront of him when he was about to take another puff of cigarette. "here." He raise his eyebrows looking at the bow of strawberries before looking at her.


"Eat this instead of smoking. " he chuckled in amusement and pick one strawberry in his mouth without a word.

He was about to take a puff of cigarette again but yn voice out. "i wanna try this" she said pointing towards cigarette. He frown.

"No you can't!"

"Why? I want to. And i will!" yn demand stubbornly making his eyes darkened a little nevertheless he sigh knowing she won't stop and nodded.

"Fine. Whatever. But only once." yn nodded her head happily as he give her the half smoked cigarette he was having.

She took that stick in between her fingers, inhale it before exhaling the smoke like professional smoker Making taehyung quite surprised. She look at his shocking face and Chuckle.

"What? Don't tell me you were really thinking that i will cough dramatically and then you will teach me how to smoke like typical dramas" yn said while laughing which made him shrug. He may or may not thought that way.

"You know how to smoke?" He ask. Ofcourse it was shocking because yn hated the word clubbing, parties totally opposite of his everything and in their two years of relation he never seen her ever once doing this.

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