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(Y/N) stirs, eyes fluttering open and then closing again. They feel as though they are asleep, trying to wake up. (Y/N)'s eyelids feel heavy, not wanting to let them see.

The man looks at them impatiently. He grabs his cup from the corner of the desk, looking at (Y/N) again. (Y/N) isn't waking up. The man glances at the cup before splashing (Y/N) with the water.

(Y/N) gasps slightly, quietly, barely able to be heard. (Y/N)'s eyes finally open for good this time. (Y/N) blinks rapidly, trying to understand where they are. (Y/N) tries to move, but they are handcuffed. (Y/N) tries to break free, but can't. When were they put in this chair? (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrow, confusion setting in.

(Y/N) looks back up, seeing the man before them. The man from before...This is the guy that shot them. (Y/N) inspects the man. He had a police uniform on. He was a cop? What kind of a cop kidnapped people? "What are you-"

"Shut up," The man says firmly, scaring the crap out of (Y/N). (Y/N) knows better than to speak again. The man seems satisfied with this. "This is an interrogation. I ask, you answer," The cop explains. (Y/N) frowns, upset. They didn't like this. They didn't trust this guy at all. "Name?" The cop asks them. (Y/N) bites their lip, unsure of whether to respond or not.

Compliant: 1C

Defensive: 1D


(Y/N) stirs, eyes fluttering open and then closing again. They feel as though they are asleep, trying to wake up. (Y/N)'s eyelids feel heavy, not wanting to let them see.

The man looks at them curiously. He taps his pencil against the desk, waiting for (Y/N) to wake up. He can tell (Y/N) won't wake up on their own. He sighs, snapping his fingers, trying to catch (Y/N)'s attention.

And it works. (Y/N)'s eyes open after a couple of snaps. (Y/N)'s breath hitches as they awake. The first thing they see is the man in front of them. (Y/N)'s face fills with concern. This was the guy from before. This was the man who had shot them. He had a police uniform on. He was a cop? What kind of a cop kidnapped people?

(Y/N) tries to move. But they can feel constraints around their wrists. He had handcuffed them. He had forced (Y/N) on this chair. (Y/N) took a deep breath, starting to freak out. What the fuck was going on?

The cop would see the panic set in on the other's face. "Calm down," He said, firm.

"I..." (Y/N) tries to think of a logical response. Tries to think of exactly what to say. But their thoughts are everywhere. "What's happening...? Where am I?"

The cop closes his eyes for a moment before he looks back at (Y/N). "This is an interrogation," He explains.

"What...?" (Y/N) breaths out, trying to understand.

"An interrogation," The man replies slowly. "I ask, you answer." (Y/N) doesn't like this. They don't understand what was happening. Why were they being interrogated? What was happening? The cop pauses for a moment before speaking again. "Name?" (Y/N) bites their lip, unsure of whether to respond or not.

Compliant: 1E

Defensive: 1F


"(Y/N) (L/N)," (Y/N) replies after a moment. The cop seemed surprised that (Y/N) answered. He nods, thinking of another question.

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