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"I say we knock his ass out," (Y/N) tells them.

"Seriously?" Laura scoffs. She doesn't know how they would even go about that.

"(Y/N)... You know that's more of a movie thing only, right?" Max says after a moment. "I mean, you bang someone on the head you're more likely to... kill them or leave them with permanent brain damage. Not just 'knock them out.'"

"So?" (Y/N) shrugs. "He's kidnapped us. We need to get out of here."

Laura paces around the cell for a moment before stopping. "Okay. We're with you, (Y/N)."

"We are?" Max blinks, confused.

"We are. Here's how it's gonna go down... Next time he opens your cell, Max, you jump him. You tackle him down and take the keys from his belt, drag him to your cell, lock him in there, unlock my cell. And then we'll steal his car and just drive right the fuck outta dodge."

"Sounds too easy, doesn't it?" (Y/N) chuckles.

"Yeah... That doesn't really sound like a plan though, you know? That's just kinda saying 'let's escape' but with a whole lot more words," Max says nervously.

"No, he won't be expecting it!" Laura smiles. "We'll catch him in the back foot."

"If you say so..." (Y/N) mumbles, sitting down. Now, all they had to do was wait.


A few hours had passed. It felt like forever. The group heard the door open and tried to act natural. (Y/N) just stayed sitting, not looking at the cop as he walked back. Laura paced around, trying to seem normal.

Max's heart was racing. Max watched as the cop unlocked the cell, opening the door. "Come on," He ordered, gesturing for Max to follow. Max walked out and the cop kept a bit of a distance behind him. (Y/N) walked carefully. They could see how tense Max looked.

The second Max looked at Laura, she nodded. "Now!" She begged.

Max turned around quickly, ready to strike. But the cop quickly grabbed his arm, squeezing it tightly, stopping Max. "Ow, ow, careful!" Max winced.

"Really?" The cop sighed, grabbing Max's other arm. "Really?" He said again in disbelief. He guided Max back into the cell. Laura frowned, frustrated, sitting down. (Y/N) shook their head, sighing. The cop locked the cell, looking at Max. "Genius," He taunted before walking away.

"Shit..." Max groaned.

They had failed.


Injury Meter: 1

Friendship Meter: 3

Trust Meter: 1




"I think we should try and get on his good side," (Y/N) told the two.

"What then? Brunch and mimosas every Sunday 'till he sees the error of his ways?" Laura said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I was being rhetorical," Max mumbled. "The dude doesn't have a good side to get on."

"You don't know that," (Y/N) responded. "Maybe he does."

"I don't know. I think we could crack him," Laura shrugged.

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