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You have been through a lot tonight. The pressure and stress is finally starting to get to you. The story will become harder for you. You will no longer know your points in each category (IP, FP, TP). I have also changed the format. Instead of chapters 1# and 2#, it will now be letters. Good luck...


(Y/N) mind hazes as they try to recall what had just happened. They walked back to the pool to retrieve the gun they had dropped earlier. (Y/N) remembered the werewolf, the sickening look of its teeth. They heard Laura in their ear, telling them to shoot.

And so they did.

(Y/N) shot the gun, the blast hitting (Y/N) harshly in the chest. (Y/N) dropped to the ground, grunting in pain as the deafening sound of the blast rang out. (Y/N) watched as the werewolf had tried to lunge but was met with the blast of the bullets. It landed in the pool, shrieking and screaming until finally... It stopped.

(Y/N) could barely focus. They could hear ringing in their eyes, their vision fuzzy.

"Come on, we need to check on Max," Laura said, but her voice sounded like a mere whisper.

(Y/N) remembered Laura pulling on their arm, yanking them. (Y/N) didn't remember how long the walk had been. Minutes? Half an hour? An hour?

The two made it back to the island where they had left Max. They knew he was going to transform and they knew he couldn't cross the water. So where safer than an island surrounded by water?

The next part is even fuzzier. (Y/N) remembers Laura calling out for Max. And then...

Max wasn't fixed. He was still a werewolf.

The screaming. The shouting. The yelling. The growling.

(Y/N) watched as Max lunged. (Y/N) was pinned to the ground. They pushed back, trying to kick Max off. (Y/N) screamed in pain as Max bit down on their arm.

(Y/N) remembered their mind clearing for a brief moment. They remember the way Laura helped, yanking (Y/N) free from Max's grip. They were able to push him behind the trapdoor. They remembered running, their arm burning with pain as they got back on the boat, not daring to turn around. The scratch across their face also seemed to burn, causing (Y/N) to cry in agony.

Laura had said something, (Y/N) heard her voice, but they didn't make anything out. The two walked back to the pool. They needed the gun back.

This wasn't over.




(Y/N) mind hazes as they try to recall what had just happened. They walked back to the pool to retrieve the gun they had dropped earlier. (Y/N) remembered the werewolf, the sickening look of its teeth. They heard Laura in their ear, telling them to shoot.

But they didn't. Something inside of (Y/N) begged them not to shoot.

(Y/N) remembered the way the werewolf lunged across the pool, leaping over the fence. (Y/N) remembered hitting the ground with a thud as the werewolf jumped on them. (Y/N) remembered the searing pain as the werewolf sunk its teeth into (Y/N)'s arm.

Laura had grabbed the gun and shot again, but her hands had been trembling. She only grazed the beast's skin.

(Y/N) remembered Laura screaming as the werewolf pinned her down, sinking its teeth into her neck, shaking and growling until Laura's screams stopped.

(Y/N) remembered running. Running as far as they could into the forest, into the trees, into safety. (Y/N) hid in some bushes, the hot pain in their arm making them wince and cry as quietly as they could. The scratch on their face seemed to flare back up, the pain almost unbearable. And then the pain dulled. (Y/N) assumed it was the adrenaline.

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