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In case you can't tell, this one's for Iko and Jacin.

He would rather take his chances with Sybil.

Iko sauntered, skipped, and ran around the ship like a lunatic. She cartwheeled through the halls and in the cargo bay, popping out from between the crates without warning and occasionally kicking someone in the face. By accident, of course. She talked so much Jacin was surprised Cinder didn't have to replace her synthetic tongue, and played monkey in the riggings, sending dust and the occasional nail down on their heads.

To his horror, the android was a hugger. Iko hugged everyone - but a particularly well-delivered Samnidian Manoeuver let her know that he would not put up with her, even if everyone else did. 

And after several playful perched-on-the-door-frame, hanging-from-the-ceiling ambushes, Jacin got into the habit of looking up before entering a room.

Once, he tried telling her to take her happytime carnival behaviour somewhere else. Iko let him know exactly what she thought of that by ­­­­­­­­shooting confetti at him from a pistol. He had no idea where she'd gotten confetti on a cargo ship, but when he searched for her stash of it (to pour into the disposal chute) he found she'd hidden it too well.

By the end of the second day of them planning the kidnapping, his nerves were positively fried.  He remarked multiple times to Cinder that he didn't see how Iko's slaphappy shenanigans would play into crashing a wedding and thwarting an evil dictator.

The cyborg wasn't much help, though. In revenge for his insult to the emperor, Cinder started encouraging Iko to hide in Jacin's closet and play jack-in-the-box.

Enough was enough. He knew how to work with minimal resources and he refused to be bested by this half-crazy android. Which was why Iko walked into her room one day and was deluged by three boxes' worth of cereal – plus an entire can of soup.

When she stomped to the kitchen where he was calmly having dinner, clothing ruined and covered in bran flakes, he coolly denied having anything to do with it. She narrowed her eyes at him and left without another word.

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