Chapter five

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I woke up with a massive headache. My head felt like it was being hit by a hammer. What was worse was my stomach, which felt like it was being twisted inside.

I groaned in bed and made to stand up, but my eyes caught something on my bed. Something that made me scared.

I dashed out of my room to the living room where Mum and Cyra were watching a movie.

"Mum, I'm dying!" I screamed and ran to the front of the television.

" Yo, buzz off," Cyra shouted. " You're ruining the movie,"

" Darling, what's wrong? Who said you're dying?" Mum put her hand on my face and started searching my body.

" I woke up this morning, and there was blood everywhere! On me, the bed, my clothes, everywhere!" I shouted, tears running freely from my eyes.

" Worst off all," I continued. " It was coming from my lower 'no-touching' area!"

Cyra burst out laughing, and Mum shook her head in relief. " What's funny!" I asked Cyra. Why was she laughing when I was dying?

" You're becoming a woman idiot!" Cyra shouted admist laughter. " You're beginning to menstruate, not die!"

I stopped crying. " What?"

Mum went to sit back and rubbed her temples. " Darling, you're not going to die."

I sighed in relief. " Really? Then why am I bleeding?"

" You're becoming a woman, and this is a normal thing so calmed down." She said further.

" Yeah, it'll be coming every month, sweet heart." Cyra chimed in.

"Every month! That means I'm going to die soon if that much blood keeps coming!" I started crying again, and Cyra started laughing.

Mum calmed me down and started explaining what was happening and everything about what was going on.

I still don't get why I have to bleed because I'm becoming a woman. That's just not normal! The fact that it would happen every month saddened me the more. How come Mum never told me any of this? She never mentioned stuff like this to me at all!

" Wow, Chastity is a late starter, Mum. I mean, 15 years old? That's late, " Cyra said.

" When did you start?" I asked her.

" When I was 10, that's about the normal time to start,"

She just said it indirectly. I'm not normal. Yeah, I'm beginning to figure that out, too.

" Thank God I have extra pads," Mum said.

" What's that?"

" You'll need it to hold the blood. You're on heavy flow, which is weird cause, this is the first time you're seeing it. "

Another word, weird. So I'm not normal, and I'm weird. Great revelation.

She showed me how to use these pads, which was more like mini-daipers to me.

" Mum, I'm not a baby. Why should I be wearing daipers"

Hearing that, Cyra started laughing again.


Later, Cyra dropped me in school, and I took a deep breath. I felt so weird.

Cyra held my hand. " Don't worry, you'll be fine."

I smiled and kissed her. " Thanks, bye," I got down from the car and walked into school. FYI, my stomach was killing me.

It felt like everyone was watching me and thinking "oh this poor soul is having her first period." Okay, that was in my head, but I still felt uncomfortable.

I tried not to look scared or nervous and just make it to class without talking to anyone.

Okay, Chastity, you can do this. Just try to act like nothing is going on, and this is just any other day.

Only this wasn't any other day.

I finally made it to class and sat down. English was first. I have never wished for school to be over fast. I was praying all sorts of prayers for me to finally leave school.

Well, when have my prayers ever been answered?

Today just decided to be extra slow, and I felt like I could die any time soon. I kept glancing at the time class after class, and my mind was definitely not in what anyone was saying.

"Chastity, please can I have your attention?"

I shook my head to focus. "Sorry," I mumbled.

"You seem absent-minded today. Is there anything wrong?"

Yes!!! A lot of things are wrong.

I shook my head. "No, I'm fine."

But I wasn't fine. I definitely wasn't fine. Why didn't mum tell me about this ? It just came at a time when I wasn't prepared.

I never had it written in my dairy or bucket lost (if it's written there) that I was going to bleed every month! I think that should be wrong medically.

Finally, school was over, and nothing made me happier than to be seated safely in the car with Cyra.

"So, how was your first day as a woman?" She asked me.

"Horrible," I replied and fastened my seat belt.

She laughed. "Yeah, you'll get used to it."

"I don't wanna get used to it." I mumbled.

"You have to. It's gonna come every month, and there's nothing you can do about it. "

"How about you quit talking about it? It's not helping, " I snapped. I covered my mouth and turned to her immediately. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell ."

"No worries. I should just shut up." She said and started the car. "So um... how was school"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Peaceful?"

"Did you meet anybody new?"


She didn't say anything again, and I was glad. The ride was queit, which is not a normal thing.

I don't know why, but I just feel like being left alone and shutting up for once. Cyra didn't bother me, and I felt relieved.

All I wanted to do was lie in bed with Whiskers and get more frustrated since I was going to have to wear that uncomfortable daiper again tomorrow.

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