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MOVIE(s) INCLUDED : spider-man : into the spiderverse

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MOVIE(s) INCLUDED : spider-man : into the spiderverse

When my heart just burst like a glass balloon
I let it fly too high and it shattered too soon


Ok, you admit acting like a little kid in this kind of situation was in fact not the best idea. " Can we please not do this? " You begged the two, trying to wiggle out of the chair you were tied to. The boy shrugged. " Eh, sorry. Nothing personal. " You huffed, look at  Gwen with pleading eyes. " C'mon? It's not like I wanted to end up here. "

Huffing, you stared at the two kids with a deadpan expression. " Was.. taping her mouth really necessary, Gwen? " The blonde crossed her arms, looking away. " Yes. " Suddenly, other characters- people, call them people [name]! entered the room from the window. " Hey- Woah, hold on, did you kidnap a random girl while we were gone?! " Spiderman- who you identify as Peter. B. , pointed at you.

" So she's from another dimension and she knows you're spiderman and spiderwoman? " Peni concluded, earning a nod from both. The oldest in the room butted in. " Have you guys ever thought about.. you know, interrogating her? She may be like the MJ from another world! " he explained, while eating a burger. Miles paused. " That's.... huh, that's smart. " Gwen tore off the tape preventing you from speaking. " It's not smart, you two are just dumb. "

" Hold on, so spider-man doesn't exist in your universe? " Peni looked bewildered. You shrugged, " Well... kind of. Listen, it's difficult to explain, I just know that you two were spider-people. " Gwen narrowed her eyes. " You just knew? " You hummed, repeating what you said for the sixth time. " Yes, I just knew. " Spider-noir interrupted you two. " It's.. green. " Piggy ( You'll call him that since calling everyone 'peter' confuses you. ) corrected him. " It's pink. "

" Purple! " He yelled, you tilted your head. " Close enough, it's blue. " You grinned, pointing at the blue-colored shirt he was holding. " What exactly are we doing? " Peter deadpanned. You hummed, turning to him. " Me? Nothing. You're all spider-people so you should be doing something. Go save the world! " You encouraged him, smiling. Peter fought the urge to flip you off.

You ate a bag of chips while the spider-gang discussed their plans. You got over the whole panic situation of being in a different world quickly for two reasons. One: you accidentally cut yourself and it healed immediately, which means you can't get hurt. Two: you had powers, yes you read that right. You were able to use shadows as a sort of portal, kind of like the spot's powers. Cool, isn't it? And no, you did not question how you got them. I mean, why should you complain? You've got superpowers.

Miles pointed at you, " Uh.. is she allowed to listen? " You shrugged, grinning. " Don't worry man, I already know what happens anyways. " He raised an eyebrow. " What? " You looked around, laughing nervously. " What? " Peni interrupted you two, crossing her arms. " Can we not distract ourselves? We-" She started glitching, causing her to fall down. You quickly stood up, helping her up. " Woah, you alright?" 

" Hey, now that I think about it, you haven't glitched at all since you got here, [name]. " Noir inquired, sitting up from his position on the couch. You paused,thinking about it. He was right.. You in fact, did never glitch. " Uh... " You took a step back, sweating nervously. " He's right. Why's that? You told us you're from another dimension, right? " Panic started setting in, alarms rung in your head. " Uhm... ADIOS! " You launched yourself in your own shadow, completely disappearing. 

" Owh.. goddammit..! " You held your head, groaning. You looked at your surrounding, finding the room completely new. It looked like... a lab? Your chain of thoughts were interrupted by a masculine voice. " Oh my god... " You quickly spun around, meeting the face of... a man with short hair and glasses, in a lab coat. You felt like you've seen him before, yet you couldn't exactly place your finger on it. " Uhm... good morning? "

" Alright, it was nice meeting you Mr. scientist, I've gotta go now, bye-bye! " You quickly walked towards the door, leaving the man stumbling over his words. " Hey, hold on! You can't just walk away like that! Aren't you gonna ask me who am i and what are you doing here? " You leaned on the door frame. " And you know why I'm here? You brought me here? " He paused, pushing up his glasses. " Ok, I don't but, c'mon! Act a little more like those movie people and ask questions! " You huffed, " Alright, what's your name? " He straightened himself. " I am a scientist working for Alchemax, my name is Jonathon Ohnn. "

" Oh, fuck. "

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