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~Tweek pov~

I layed down on the soft sofa and slept, But i cant seem to sleep, at all. After that huge 'Fun' we had

I stood up and walked outside the room. 'i had s£x with craig tucker. The one and only craig tucker ' my thoughts Ran around my mind but was ended when someone called off.

"Tweek?" A woman's voice said. "Oh! Are you my Son's friend?" She asked. Yeah..'friend'.

"Y-yes ngh-.." i said, stuttering. "Great! You can join us for lunch, then!" She said. "W-what? Ng- n-no need Mrs. Tucker!" I said , lifting my hands in the air and waving them. "i insist, dear. Come sit down, wake Craig for me Dear' she smiled.

I nodded and smiled and went upstairs again. I Opened his door and Walked beside his bed. I shook him fast, but he still was asleep. I then pinched his nose.

He lifted his head and opened his Eyes slowly. "Tweek?" He said, sleepily. "Y-yes gaahh..Y-your mom invited me to ngh- dinner , she said to wake you u-up.." i said.

He then suddenly Took my arm and Leaned forward close to my lips and kissed me. "Where was my goodmorning kiss, hm?" He said. I blushed redly, but..I should play too, r-right?

I nodded and Sat on his lap, Kissing him still which made him Nervous and Red. He does have a soft spot! I then cupped my hand around his Cheeks and kissed him.

He then wrapped his arms around my waist and said. "Now thats a good morning kiss." He smirked and continued to kiss me. Then, someone opened the door. "Whats taking so lon-"... A little girl, which seemed to see me and craig making out completely.

"Tricia , Don't you dare snitch." Craig said, glaring at her. Then the girl shrugged and ran downstairs. I Stood up, "w-we should go now.." i said, I walked off now. Expecting something..

Time skip in lunch

We all sat down at the table. Craig, his mom, his sister , and dad. His dad completely looked like him Exept Craig had his Mom's eye.

"So.. Tweek , How is craig in school." His mom asked, all the eyes then were on me and i Was nervous. "W-well..h-he's Good at subjects b-but his failing Chemistry and Math.." i said.

"As expected." His mom said. "What about you tweek?" His mom asked. "W-well..i am ..good? I can draw and i can Paint.." i said.

"Thats good! Your so much better than my Own-blooded-son!" She said, putting an Hand around her cheek, as if admiring me. I chuckled nervously. "Mom!" Craig said , as if Offensed.

"Anyways..Is anyone done? I'll do the dishes." His mom said. I stood up, "i-i'll help with the dishes M-mrs. Tucker!" I said, Taking the plates. "Your such a good kid, tweek! Thank you. Then i'll be in the living room" she patted my head.

I went to the sink and washed some plates, suddenly. Arms wrapped around my waist and i turned my head around and saw craig hugging me from behind. "Hey , tweek." He said, Blushing and as if Greeting me. "H-hey craig.." i replied. He then Snuggled my neck making me blush and Unfocused on the dishes.

"C-craig, im w-washing ngh- the dishes!" I said, nervously. He didn't say anything and He continued to snuggle my neck until his sister opened the fridge beside us. "Ew." She flipped craig off. Craig then flipped tricia off and His sister walked off to the living room.

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