A New Bestfriend.

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~Warnings: Swear!ng~

~tweek pov~

I have woken up from last night, i was crying my eyes Out causing my Eyes to be red on the corner. I hope he doesnt notice.

~It was A week later btw~

I walked to school alone, I spotted craig and he walked to me but i just Flinched and Walked away, Speed walking. I went to class and sat Down Next to an empty chair, It wasn't my usual Chair next to craig's.

After a minute the teacher came and all the students did, including Craig.
A girl, which was bebe who was in craigs group sat next to me. "Heya, Tweek!" She said, waving. I waved back, "h-hello." I said. "Whats wrong? Not sitting next to craig today?" She asked

"o-oh, i just figured t-that ngh- craig has a g-girlfriend, i figured i shouldn't stay Close.." i said, tapping my fingers on the table. "Wait, He does?" She said, "yeah, the Girl with Brown hair Green eyes." I said, "oh! You mean Lesley? She's craigs ex-girlfriend!" She said, Wait. What?

"W-what?" I said, Confused. "I see you like craig, you got jealous Tweeky?" She said, Flirtatiously. I blushed slightly, looking down at my feet.
"U-uhm..i-i guess ngh- so?" I said, "thats great! Craig needs a Boyfriend like you." She said, Boyfriend?!

"O-oh, but hes Straight.." i said, "not unless you make him like you tweeky" she said, and winked at me. I blushed
Redly all over my face. I noticed that craig was Staring at us. He seemed, Mad. "...i-is Craig mad?" I asked, "nah, he just jealous dude." Said a girl behind bebe's chair

"Oh, Im red. Craigs cousin" said red. "O-oh, Hello." I said. Craig had a cousin?

Meanwhile, in class. I was Catching some glances over craig. He kept looking at me, why wont he Pay attention to the teacher?!

After class, I rushed out Not Even Glancing at craig, Not one bit! I went to my locker and opened it. "Hey." Said a cold voice which made me Slam My Locker Shut. "GAH! w-what?!" I said, Flinching. "Why didn't you sit next to me all week." He said, He was furrowing he's eyes. Im caught.

"I-i f-figured uhm..uuuhh.." i Kept thinking for an excuse Until he said. "You don't like me anymore?" He said, He sounded sad. "w-what?! Agh! N-no! I l-like you..A-as a friend of course.
Its just that y-you kissed a girl which m-made me think you had a girlfriend so-" i said, But i Didn't continue it when he speaked. "You were, Jealous?" He said, His hands in his pocket, His eyes furrowed, But his Other eyebrow Raised.

"H-..h-what? No! Im not Jealous Gah! W-why would you think that?!?" I said, Pulling on my hair, "hey, dont do that." He said, He's Pulled My Wrist closer to his Chest, "i said, i didn't like you pulling on your hair remember?" He said.

Why is he so Hot all of a sudden?! I felt my face boil and get warm, I was blushing Hard. "Hey? Are you sick, Your red" he asked, 'Nevermind THAT.

What are you doing! Don't pull me closer you idiot!' I thought. He Pulled inside the bathroom, He pulled me towards him. Causing our Body almost touching. oh my fucking G-

I screamed inside when it was interupted by Red. "Craig, Let go of tweek. You cant do it to him".. She said, Do what?! Was he gonna Abuse me?!
Or worse! Kill me. "Do what? I wasn't doing anything you strawberry." Said craig. He pulled me closer to him, Now our Body's touching. i was leaning on craigs Chest. "Sigh craig. I swear." Said red. And then, craig kissed me on the lips. He smashed His into mine while he was staring at Red. He grinned and continued to kiss me. oh my fucking GO-

"Okay, now i'll leave you both alone. Im done" said red, turns out she was Trying To tell craig not to kiss me or else things might happen worser.

Craig Stared at my eyes next after red left, and he Pulled away panting. "Tweek tweak." He said, "y-yes?" I said, nervously. "Let's make out." He said.

~oh no! What will happen next episode? Will tweek's legs go numb? aha. Ha, haha. Ha. ~
~751 words~

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