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I love clingy craig sm , so thats what he will be lol.
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He continued to snuggle my neck after his sister left. He then started to bite down at my shoulder and Neck. "C-craig! D-dont- ACK! D-do that!" I said , "Its not like she's Coming again." He said. I nodded and he kept kissing me

Until we heard 'Zzz, zzz' Noises coming out of his window. I looked at the window and saw a drone. "C-craig! A d-drone , ACK!" I Said, Shaking craig with both my hands. "Okay, calm down. I'll go check." Craig said.

He stood up and went to the window , "BUTTERS!" Craig Yelled.
He closed the window along with the curtains. "Stupid, crybaby." Craig said , standing beside me.

"D-dont talk about Butters - Ngh- like that.." i said. "He's so annoying, literally taking a Video of us." He said. I then Started Panicking, what if they bully us in school? WORSE, STAB US! OH GOD... I CAN'T BARE THOSE!

I then started pulling on my hair, "AH!" I got startled , by Craig. He placed his blue chullo around my head. "Pull on the hat instead, i wouldn't want you going bald, Babe." He said.

I stared at his soft noirrette Hair. It was Styled in a fancy and Cute way, "what are you staring at?" Craig said. "O-oh.. nothing.." i said awkwardly.

"Spaz." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and he Smiled. "My spaz." He said, He then started Snuggling my Neck again and wrapping his arms around My waist. I touched his hair and..

GOSH, It was soft.. i then played with his hair , "...Would you mind taking this upstairs Craig?" His Mom said. Walking up on us.

He sighed , Annoyed and took my hand upstairs. I wasn't done with the dishes! He then Closed the door behind.

"Tweek..Lets Just Stay home today." Craig said. I nodded and layed down On his bed, Using my phone.  He layed beside me And Cuddled onto me, as i only Wrapped my Arm around his neck, as my other one holds my phone.

He watched as i was Chatting on my phone, "Why are you and kenny, Chatting?" He said, Annoyed. "Were friends, c-craig.." i said. "Let me see your convo's." He said. "W-what? Ngh- no!" I said, Raising My phone, as he tries to Catch it. "Give it here , now tweek." He said.

"N-no! ACK!- M-mind your own business!" I said, Pushing him away, But then again, He's stronger. He Hovers over me and Catches my phone. And Takes a look on it. "I-im telling you- GAH! We're just friends!" I said.

"im just looking, so shut up." He said , He then Kissed me And Took a picture of us Kissing and send it to Kenny. "Craig! What the f-fuvk!" I said , blushing redly.

He ignored me and kept Texting Kenny something, "You lo-ok stupid when your j-jealous , ngh-"
I lied, he looks cute when he's jealous. He's so cute i wanna Hug him so tight until he explode's.
(Calm down with that cute aggressiveness..)

"I don't care." With that, He Placed my phone On the Nightstand and Kissed me, Hovering over me.
"C-craig- ngh!" I said, Trying to push him off, But he keeps kissing me.

He pins me around and Places his Hands under my shirt, I shiver By His cold hands. "C-craig! Ngh-" i said, turning my head around as He kisses and licks My spine.

I feel my Face get Warm as He Lick behind me. "Y-you pervert! St-stop ngh!- it!" I said , Turning Around To punch him in the face but he dodges and Holds my wrist tightly. "Not today, Dear. I want to taste you completely." He said, seductively.

"H-haa-ah..n-no..stop ngh~- it.." i said, Covering My Mouth To stop My noises as He keeps sucking and Bobbing His Head up and down at my member, His tounge licking around The Tip.

"A-ahh..Craig, P-please.." i said, Gripping On his hair to stop Him, But he still keeps going. "P-please..i-im Close, Get i-it , Ngh~ Out!" I said, But he looks at me with his Emerald green eyes, As he Sucks Faster, His hand's Moving up and down.

"P-please!~ i-im close craig!" I Whimper out, After seconds, I Comd into His mouth. Him Gulping Every piece of it.

"E-ew.." I said, "I have to eat everything, my boyfriend gives me, right?" He smirks. I blushed redly and Took a pillow, Smacking it Onto him. "Ow!" He said , as i sit on his stomach, Smacking him with the pillow multiple times.

"You f-fuvking P-pervert! AGHH!!" I yelled, Smacking Him Again and again. He Laughs, "ok, okay! Stop it, tweek! Im sorry !" He apologized, But i smacked Him Again. "Too late!" I said, Smacking him once again.

Untill He Takes The Pillow on my hand and Uses it To Cover My Face, Almost Not Letting me see
"Mmpggh! MGHAPZJ" I made yelling muffled Noises, "Stop yelling!" He said, But i kicked The air with Both My legs. Trying to take The pillow off my face.

Until he's sister come's in. "Craig, stop suffocating your boyfriend and play Barbies with me." Tricia said. Craig then Took the pillow Off my Face and I Punched Him In the stomach, Lightly. "OW!!" He whined , Placing his Hands where i hit him. "D-DESERVED!" I yelled.

And Walked Out of the room, Walking to tricias room , following her to play barbies.

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Kicking my feet while making this,WHJAKZHSKABZKAN They're so cute ARGSJAJAJAJ


Recognision ko pala guys, sa July 12! Top 5 ako, Thank you so mwuch momma for the new iphone, love my family so mwuahhch!! ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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