melodies for rose

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Everything seems to be just turmoil.

In the grand court of the palace, the king, the most trusted generals and prime ministers of the palace sat around a long, ornate table, their brows furrowed in deep contemplation as they delved into the mystery of Sion's death. Papers lay scattered before them, filled with notes and diagrams as they meticulously dissected each theory.

"It's baffling," A minister with a greying beard broke through the silence, his voice grave as he leaned forward, "That there are no traces of the assailant. No witnesses, no evidence—nothing."

Hongjoong nodded in agreement, his expression furrowed in perplexity. "Indeed. It suggests a level of skill and precision that is uncommon," He mused. "Perhaps the culprit was trained in the arts of espionage or assassination."

The unexpected death of Sion instantly brought chaos within the walls of the palace, but none of the outer turmoil could ever compare to Seonghwa's mind when Soojin mumbled those words.

"The Crown Prince was murdered."

This wasn't the first time someone had managed to break through the palace walls and attempt to assassinate a palace occupant, but this was the first time someone had died from the schemes of the invisible hand that controls the deaths. And it was odd that nobody even managed to at least see a witness nor a trace that would lead them to the mastermind of the next ruler of the Kingdom.

Seonghwa's fist clenched as he sat silently within the lines of chairs in the courtroom. The grim atmosphere outside mirrored his emotions within. He is not devastated about the Crown Prince's death, but he is more in a dilemma as the realization that Sion's death could only mean one thing.

He is the next in line to be the King.

Which is something he wasn't anticipating and prepared for— the mere thought of the throne and all the responsibilities that weigh from out unknowingly make his guts even heavier.

"Why would someone go to such lengths to kill the Crown Prince?" Mingi pondered aloud, his voice heavy with unease.

One of the ministers leaned back in his chair, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "There are many possibilities," he replied, his tone measured. "Jealousy, greed, political ambition, the list goes on"

As the discussion continued, the theories grew more complex and nuanced, each one offering a glimpse into the tangled web of intrigue that surrounded Sion's demise.

Tension crackled like lightning as the Prime Minister's accusatory gaze suddenly bore into Seonghwa's. "Your wife claims to be the last person to see Sion alive," He asserted, his voice dripping with suspicion. "Yet conveniently, he winds up dead, and she expects us to believe she had no hand in it?"

Hongjoong upon hearing the name of his sister being dragged along the walls of the court squared his shoulders, his eyes flashing with defiance. "My sister had no motive to harm Prince Sion," He retorted firmly. "Accusing my sister is not only offensive to her but also to my part. Trust me, Minister, I am called the smartest General for a reason. And suggesting that my sibling is foolish to commit a crime within these palace walls is not just absurd—it's an insult to my brilliance."

"And you're implying what, General?" Another old man raised a brow.

"What I'm saying is," Hongjoong sharply emphasizes, "If my sister were to ever commit such an act, she wouldn't be idiotic enough to be the last person seen with the Crown Prince if she were his killer."

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now