the rain

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My mother language isn't English so pardon me if i make mistakes.

Wheezie's POV

I was wet and soaking.

I should have checked the weather once again before thinking of flying all over the Spain.

"Holy shit" was this rain not enough that it's thundering also.

I was close to my brother house. It's been a year since I've came to L.A nd m kinda forgetting the sites already.

"Hello!" I knocked on the 28th sector. It was his i was sure. "Jack? Hello!"

I kept knocking. "You asshole open the fuck--"

The door swing open.

A man with bare chest. Tatood arms and a towel wrapped on his waist.

Damn. My eyes were wide open. My jaw on the floor.

"You looking for someone?" Damn his voice.

"Uh, yeah is this Jack hawk's house by any chance?"

I don't know what i was asking.

Bcs of a guy standing just inches away from me and he looks like he just came out of shower.

Wet Hairs, tanned skin. Green hazel eyes. A tatto on his forearm.

A towel hanging loose on his waist. Revealing the perfect v along with curly hairs.

A warmth rolled down my spine

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A warmth rolled down my spine.

"Yeah it's his. You're his--" he seemed annoyed as i was oggling at his lower waist. But i couldn't help myself.

"Sister. Baby sister" i said almost breathlessly.

He nodded.

A thunder made me shiver from head to toe.

"Uh.. I think you should come inside."


He handed me a warm cup of coffee. I was still wet from the rain. I took it anyway.

As i took the cup from his hands. Holyshit he was so hot. Viens all along his hands.

Long fingers attached to a big palm. My mind thought how it would feel against my ass spanking me hard.

No no don't go there i told my mind you don't even know the guy.

"He's not in the town unfortunately. He had to leave last night for some urgent work. Since i was in the town for my new job nd i didn't had any other place to stay at the moment so.... he gave me his keys."

He explained when i roamed my eyes for my brother.

"Right" i exhaled.

I should have known that he's not just my brother anymore who'll babysit me whenever something happened.

He have work to do.

"So, did u came here to meet him?"

"Ah yes, i did but since he's not hear so i think--" he cut me off.

"Wait it's his call."

Ofc it is.

He walked away to take he call.

I couldn't hear their conversation as He was in hallway.

I stood up nd took in the house of my brother.

It was still the same from When I visited last year. Except for some new degrees on the wall. Named sinner.

It might be this guy.

I kept walking untill i saw a photograph hanging of the guy and Jack together.

It was not recent picture. They're looking so young. It's prolly from when they were teens.

I don't remember much about my brother's teenage as he was 6 years elder than me.

They looked cute and also close like bestfriends.

"He said he wants to talk to you"

"Jeez! You scared the shit out of me."

Instead of saying anything he started walking towards me. Holyshit it was sexy as hell.

As many steps as he took his abs flexed along. He erased the distance in just 4 long strides.

He was just in the hallway yet it felt like enternity when he reached me.

"He'll call you when he'll be done with his meetings. I suggest you should take a shower. And rest till then."

He had faint Italian accent. It was sexy as hell.

He was so close i could feel his warmth against my Skin.

He was towering above me. I had to look up to him with my chin raised up. He was tall as fuck.

"Y-Yeah ok" i said clearing my throat because it felt like i was whispering.

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