he is hot

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Wheezie's pov

"You must be wheezie?" Said the burnette girl sitting right behind me.

I nodded "Yeah I am". I held a hand and she took it.

"Hails told us about you. So where you're from?" She said while chewing a gum and her big sharp nails tapping her phone.

"M from Spain" she seems like one of those mean girls showed in tw shows.

"Wow that's....sick. can you say something in Spanish?"


"Shut the fuck up Cleo. She's new here nd you're already all over her."

Cleo rolls her eyes and gives me a nod and leaves.

There she was hailey.

She comes leans over nd hugs me. She was so cute. I love her.

"So? what's up" she says focusing entirely on me. I liked that. I never really had friends before like her.

"I was the one who made u talk to him, nd you're calling me bitch? You're selfcentred cunt."

The memories hit me back.

I immediately shut them behind.

when someone made me seen and valued it was so overwhelming for me.

I love hailey already. She was the only girl who first talked to me on my first day and gave me a seat next to hers.

Sometimes all you need is someone by your side with whom you can open up knowing they won't judge you. No matter what you're saying.

That was hailey for me.

"Nothing" i said smiling to which she smiled back.

"Okay looks like someone's keeping secrets" she said teasing me.

"Oh c'mon hails" i playfully hit her.

We broke into laughter. It's a good day.

I do wanto tell her about sinner but i am having second thoughts. Also what m i gonna tell her? It's nothing.


It is 3rd period no teacher has come yet. Everybody was talking so do i.

"Who's the teacher by the way?"

"I don....really have an idea" hailey said absent mindedly.

"I am trying to search him on Instagram but I can't find he's account" she said agressively tapping on her laptop.

5 min pass by.

"What a bad reputation he's setting on his first day". I said

"Yup...you're right". Said hails sighing.

"Let's bunk it i Don't thi---" hails was cut off by the teacher.

"Hey guys m really sorry. I was actually wrapped up in something important."

I froze in my seat.

"Holyshit he's hot" said Cleo.

"Yeah he is" said hailey in slowmo.

"Okay guys sorry for the inconvenient I am sinner Bruno and I'll be taking your English classes."

What the fuck? What is he doing here? Why is he here?

The conversation hit me back.

"What do u do?" I said
"M a teacher" said sinner

Shit shit shit.

"Okay since I am new here let's get to know eachother alright? So everybody tell me your names.

He hasn't noticed me yet. I don't want him to.

On the other hand bunch of girls were already oggling at him and giving him looks to which he ignored.

Wtf? Am i jealous?

No no no.

"He's so hot" I am hearing it for the 12th time now.

He was looking good actually.

White shirt flexed on his wide chest. A black tie and black pants.

He was hot indeed.

I suddenly remember this morning's incident.

Me making my self feel good by imagining him.

The way my fingers dug deep into my pussy and my mind imagining it was sinner.


"Jesus" i stood up startled.

"It's your turn" said hailey looking confused. My turn? For wha--

The introduction. The class. Sinner. Everyone.

Shit shit shit shit.

I looked up from her and found everybody staring at me.

But the one pairs of eyes were doing anything but stare.

Sinner is standing with one of his hands into his pocket and one on the teachers desk and him looking at me with curiosity.

"I-ah-I am wheezie hawk."

He didn't say anything. He just.....looked at me.

His stare was burning a hole through me.

What is happening?

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