I am hard

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Wheezie's POV

The warm stream of water splashed on my skin leaving a warm sensation.

It was a long rough day after what all happened. It couldn't have been worsed.

It's still raining outside. My brother isn't home when i need him more than anything since he's the only family i have but instead m stuck here in l.A with a stranger what the heck?

I dried my hairs with the towel. I opened my suitcase to throw something comfy but--

" The fuck" no no no.

How the fuck did it all got wet. M sure it was waterproof suitcase. "What the hell".

This day was one of the worst days of my life.

I looked around to find something to cover myself. I opened the closet.


Hopefully the drawer.



I should have not flied here. It was the worst idea.

I almost tripped when i heard the knock on my door.

"Jesus Christ" i cursed under my breath when i steadied myself.

"Dinner's ready. Just wanted to let u know."

"Be right there" i yelled.

When i heard the footsteps fading away--

Fuck this I've not other choice. i took a shuddering breath and--

"Sinner?" I called out. The footsteps stoped immediately. I regretted it the second his name left my mouth.

The door was still close so i had to speak a little louder.

"Uhm i need a favour."

Nothing. Silence.

For a minute i thought he's gone but then when i thought of calling him again--

"What is it?"

Just say it. You won't die. I repeated these affirmations in my mind.

"Uhm... i actually .....um ran out of my clothes cause they're all wet nd i don't have anything on me rn. So....." I thought about it again.......Just say it.
"Do u mind if i borrow yours?"

I was dying. I m standing naked against him when just a wooden door was seperating us.

A cold Breeze touched me nd it made me shiver nd a soft moan left my mouth.

Shit. Fuck did he heard that. No he didn't.

What the hell was wrong with me?

"Yeah be right back"


Sinner's POV

I served the food and she still wasn't here.

Not that i care.

After a moment I hear the closing of the door.

When i turned my gaze to the staircase.

Thump thump thump.

Open hairs rolling down her shoulders. A soft touch of lipgloss on her already pink pouty lips. My hoodie 2× bigger than her yet it was barely covering her thighs.


Her thighs.

They were seducing me. Asking me to crush them underneath me.

Each step she took down it flexed. She is looking fucking pretty. With nothing but my hoodie on her.

When i realized she was so close i quickly turned my gaze off of her.

I was hard.

No, no, no, holyshit.

"Sorry to disturb you" she took a deep breath." Earlier" she clarified.

I didn't answered her. Instead i took my seat nd served her plate.

She did the same.

Silence hung deadly.

Nothing but just the sounds of our breath and the rustling of our spoons.

I liked silence. I loved it. I didn't liked people who always kept chitchatting like idiots but this--

It was eating me alive.

After a moment she broke the silence.

"So what do u do?" It felt like she was also struggling with the silence and just to broke it she spoke.

I didn't answer her immediately.

I just looked in her eyes. Deep.

I didn't broke the eye contact neither did she.

Suddenly the air turned thick.

She swollowed a big lump down her throat.

"M a teacher"

Ig that was enough no need to go deep.

"Hmm. M also here to start my last year of school. i studied in Spain but then--" she stared at the plate for straight 10 seconds without any expressions.

"I just switched the school".

She went stiff. Her back almost of iron and her gaze set to a certain point. I wanted to ask her what's wrong but then she tood up and--

"It was tasty. Thankyou sinner have a goodnight."

She headed towards the stairs but then she turned and looked at me.

Before i could speak she was in her room the door shut behind her.

What was that?

I took the plates and went to do the dishes.

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