"you're driving me insane"

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Sinner's POV

I didn't knew she was student here in this college.

It's been 15 minutes she hasn't looked up. Not that I want her to.

I don't know what was she thinking when I asked her to introduce herself.

She seemed distracted.

"Okay guys that was it for today".

As soon as the bell wrang and the period was over. Wheezie stood up and went out of the class. she was the first to leave.

Is she okay?

I am her teacher now and i have to forget everything that happened before from this point.

Well nothing happened.

I have to talk to her.


Following days pass by it's Friday the last working day of the week.

I tried talking to wheezie but she's been acting a Lil weird all these days.

She would not make eye contact in class. By the time she would come back to home and would sleep all day.

She would come downstairs for dinner and whenever I tried asking her what's wrong she would say it's nothing just the academic pressure.

I didn't wanted to force her to tell me what's going on or to make her feel uncomfortable.

While thinking all this i entered the class. She was not there.

Her friends were there though. Where is she?

She came to school but not to the English class. Is everything okay?

My eyes scanned the class. She was nowhere.

I kinda felt.....bad.

Wait wait?

No no no. She is my student. Also my bestfriend's sister.

I tried not to think about her the whole period.

I failed.

Every now and then i would see her empty seat.

Where is she?

The bell wrang. Period was over.

"Okay guys y'll submit your assignments."

Everyone submitted their assignments. I stopped one of wheezie's friends. To whom she was very close with.

"Hey hailey?" She stopped at the door


"Do u have any idea why wheezie isn't in the class?"

"No actually" she said thinking.

"Okay fine" is something wrong?

"Yup" she walked off.


Wheezie's POV

"Wheez! Hey professor sinner asked you to meet him in his cabin you haven't submitted your assignments."

Shit shit. How can I forget the assignments. I don't want to messup my image as a student on very first week.

I knew sinner was worried why i didn't showed up to his class when I came to school.

Well i have obvious reasons.

I got several texts from sinner.

Sinner:- where you at?
Sinner:- why are you not in the class?
Sinner:- wheezie are you ok?
Sinner:- answer me
Sinner:- just let me know where you are?

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