fisting my cock

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Sinner's POV

It was past midnight it's been 2 hours since she rushed back to her room.

I couldn't hold my curiosity anylonger.

I went up straight to her room.

I opened the door slightly just enough so i can see her.

She is asleep.

The moon rays were landing straight on her face and it was making her curves look more perfect.

Her pink lips. Her sharp jaw. The way her eyes were shut. Long eye lashes.

Wtf? Why do i even care?

I shouldn't come here.

As soon as I took a step back.

She moved.

The blanket slipped from top of her. Exposing her thighs and her white lace panties.

The x images came rushing back to my head.

Her sitting on top of me grinding her ass slowly back and fro on me as I am grabbing her big tits and savouring then one by one taking them in my mouth pinching the nipples.

Shit shit shit. Wtf is wrong with me. She's my bestfriend's sister.

The rain was still pouring. It was cold.

I swallowed a thick lump in my throat and slowly took steps towards her even when Every cell of my brain was telling me not to.

One at a time. Slow and steady.

When i reached her I looked down at her for a moment.

she is flawless her nose is perfect her lips are perfect her skin is like silk.

I want to touch her devoure her taste her make her mine.

But she is my bestfriend's brother.

I slowly put the blanket above her. my fingers almost touched her chest nd i shivered.

I don't know why my body was reacting that way.

I back off and and close the door behind me.

I went straight to the shower turned it on, on full cold but it wasn't helping with the burning sensation of my dick as it was throbbing and releasing pre cum.

I fisted it. Hard. Util i cum in my hands.

I came out of shower and put on my earphones and blasted music trying to fall asleep.

It was going to be a long night.

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