A Secret Place

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Aneko collapsed onto her soft bed, immediately falling asleep without changing out of her dirty shihakusho. She had been losing a lot of sleep and energy from all the training she had been doing with sensei Kyoraku. On top of all the training were the private classes of noble etiquette and the piles of homework and assignments of normal classes in the Shinigami academy.

Kyoraku slowly closed the door to Aneko's room and sighed when he completely closed it. It had been a month since Aneko arrived in the Seireitei and she still hadn't found her zanpakuto. He could just imagine the looks on General Yamamoto and Lady Horoko when they would find out. Kyoraku slumped away, devising his Plan M already, since the rest of the alphabet before M didn't work.

As Kyoraku continued to slump to the 8th division barracks, he accidentally ran into General Yamamoto and his lieutenant.

"Kyoraku! Just the man I wanted to see. How is the training going with little Aneko? Progressing, I hope." Yamamoto looked at Kyoraku with hopeful eyes.

Kyoraku looked away and quickly came up with a believable lie.

"She's doing absolutely amazing. I swear she's amazing on the field and to top it off, she's amazing in Lady Horoko's classes and amazing in school."

General Yamamoto paused and stared at Kyoraku who kept a straight face before Yamamoto said, "Why are you over-using the word 'amazing', Kyoraku? And I also find what you are saying contrary to the other reports that I have received from Aneko's teachers at the academy."


"Her head supervisor and teacher came to me this morning and told me Aneko has been slacking off in school with her assignments and Lady Horoko also said that Aneko has been falling asleep in her etiquette classes. Care to explain?" General Yamamoto said sternly.

Kyoraku opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He couldn't think of an excuse and choked. Kyoraku covered his face with his hand and slid his hand down, admitting his defeat. He looked at General Yamamoto and sighed.

Kyoraku then stood up straight and formal and said to General Yamamoto, "She has not learned the name of her zanpakuto yet."

Yamamoto looked at Kyoraku in shock and exclaimed in a quiet yet stern voice, "Kyoraku, it has been a month since Aneko has come to live in the Seireitei. Are you telling me that she doesn't even know the name of her zanpakuto? What have you been doing with her? Drinking sake?"

"I'm sorry, General Yamamoto." Kyoraku said, bowing lowly.

There was a sudden pause that held the awkward silence in its place over the two captains' heads. Stunned by the complete loss for words, Kyoraku looked up nervously, somewhat imagining Yamamoto's furious face.

Kyoraku peeked from under his straw hat, his eyes widening at the sight. Yamamoto's face was not angry at all, but expressed something stranger. A surprised and confused look was plastered to the old man's wrinkled face.

"Well, I'll be. Finally using formalities like you're supposed to, huh?" Yamamoto said. "It's either you are trying to trick me or maybe you're even being serious today, but whatever. I'll give you one more chance. Tomorrow Aneko will be in your care for the rest of the day. I want her to know the name of her zanpakuto by tomorrow evening. No exceptions. If you do not comply, I will send Aneko back into the Rukongai and you will be stripped of your duties. Do you hear me, Kyoraku?"

"Yes sir. I will have her perform in front of you the day after tomorrow to show her new zanpakuto. Thank you for the second chance, Yama-ji."

"Don't push it."

"Sorry!" Kyoraku snapped, watching Yamamoto and his lieutenant flash step away. Now if I only knew how to get Aneko to learn her zanpakuto name. Kyoraku thought hopelessly.

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