Chapter one

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Chapter 1: there's some explaining

"Ring ring" I heard my phone go off waking me from my dreamless sleep. I looked at the caller ID and quickly answered. It was my best friend Tate. How I missed her, she has called me every morning since the day I moved to London. London. That's right London. Big Ben. The London eye. Holmes Chappell to be exact. I moved here from a small town in Texas with my family. Well, most of my family. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Since I'm the 2nd youngest the three older kids have already moved out which leaves me with my younger brother. My mum and dad say that since I'm 18 (almost 19) I can get my own place near the university I'll be attending in about..hmm less than a week. The university i'll be attending is really nothing special. Anyone i mean ANYONE could get in.Oh and if I haven't Mentioned already, My name is Macy. Macy Collins. I have long dark brown hair, hazel eyes and pearly white smile. I'm about 5'6 and very tan. I'm the kind of girl others were jealous of. Though I'm not sure why. I've had many abusive boyfriends. You actually start to believe the nasty things they say to you. "Hello,hello earth to Macy" Tate giggled into the phone snapping me out if my day dream. "Ya ya I'm here" I replied giggling back suddenly feeling tired again. "It took you like to years to respond! What were you doing?" She stated "just lost in thought" I replied.

"So how's university" I asked "ehh. You know. School is school." She complained making me laugh. "Oh come, you have to be having a little fun!"I said "easy for you to say, Mrs.top5percent. Plus your about to go to a school with hot British babes!!! That is very unfair!"she whined. "You are such a dork" "but I'm your dork". I sighed into the phone. I missed not being able to see her and its only been one week! "I have to go to class! Text you later babe! I llllooovvvee you" Tate coos. "Haha! I love you more sweets! Bye!" And with that I hung up the phone. I sat up on my bed thinking. Tate was my only friend in Texas. All the other girls were trashy bicthes! Tate was the only one I could trust. But now shed over 1000 miles away, who will I trust now? Whatever I need to get this off my mind. How about a walk around town? Yep I think that will do it. I get up from my bed and walk to my brand new bathroom. This room was the only thing I had unpacked so far,besides my closet. I hop into the shower and take about a 15 minute shower. I get out and don't bother brushing my hair. I throw it into a messy bun and put on one of my lace stretch headbands. I walk over to my closet and put on a pair of jean high waisted shorts with a cute lace top that matches my headband. I then pull out my old brown cowboy boots and slip my avator raybans on my eyes then walk to grab my phone off of my new bed. When I walk down the stairs I see my dad reading the paper,my mom watching the news and my brother stuffing his face with pancakes

"Where are you going?" My mom questions. "I'm just going to walk around town, maybe visit campus,I just need some air."i replied. She smiled and nodded then said "be careful, please stay safe" "always" I smiled back before walking out the door. As I walked deeper into town I noticed a girl crying on a sidewalk. I walked up to her and asked if she wanted someone to talk to. She looked up at me and nodded slightly. We walked to the park without a word. I stared a her. Every inch if her. She had tattoos running up and down her body. She had very tan skin. Her hair was brown and a little frizzy. Her eyes were red from crying. She looked at me then said "why" "why what?" I questioned. "Why would you stop in the middle of no where to see if I wanted someone to listen to?" "Because, I-i like it when people listen to my problems." She smiled. Then she proceeded to tell me how she had just found out she was pregnant and was afraid her boyfriend would leave her and about how she had no idea how to pay for this unborn child. As she ranted on and cried I comforted her saying things like "it's okay" and "it's going to be alright". At the end if her story I was almost in tears and she asked why. I then proceeded to tell her of my troubles and we sat and cried with eachother for what seemed like ages. "I never caught your name?" She smiled through tears "Macy" I said "yours?" "Danielle" she answered. After we exchanged numbers she invited me to come to a concert that night that her boyfriend, known as Liam, would be performing in. I said I could and I told her the address to my house so she could pick me up. We hugged them said our goodbyes. As I walked home I couldn't help but think 'have I already made a friend?' hmmm...maybe but hey that's a new record. Good job Macy Collins. Good job.


Did you guys like it? Should I continue this or trash it. I'm sorry it sucks but I tried!! Can I gain some follower on this? ;)

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