Chapter 7

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Tiffany POV
Dacari and I had been going out for six months now. We went on many dates even the homecoming dance together. Everything is going great even without Mariana. I was currently laid in Dacari's bed cuddled into him. "You know senior year is ending soon. Where will you go after this" Dacari asked playing with my fingers.

"I hope to get an a scholarship to one of the prestigious orchestras. Every year one student gets an offer and I'm going to be that student" I smiled. "What about you" I turned over looking at Dacari. He turned to me "where ever you go. I will follow" . I sat up looking at him in shock.

"I mean're from a prestigious family and well known. Wouldn't you be performing solo. I've seen the movies where the rich parents deny the son to go with the girl they like" I signed with worried eyes. Dacari chuckled sitting up "I choose what I do. Who I want to be with. I want to be with you, now and in the future".

"Okay"? Dacari said looking me in the eye. "Okay" I nodded. Dacari kissed my temple and went to the bathroom. I got on my phone looking at the time. I stood up putting my shoes on. I had twenty minutes to go to my dorm get dress and go to class.

I texted Dacari that I was leaving and left to my dorm. Once I got there I changed into my uniform and did my hair. I fixed my book bag but stopped hearing my phone ring. I  answered the phone "Hello" I said struggling with zipping my backpack. "Hello, is this Tiffany Pollen" a lady asked. "Yes" I questioned skeptical.

I finished the call and headed to class. In the hallway I passed by Eric and his goons. However, Eric came in front of me stopping me in my tracks. "Hey, sweet thang. You looking good as always"Eric grinned putting his hand on my waist. I tried pushing Eric away "take your hands off me" I growled. Someone grabbed Eric shoulder from behind making him look back.

He got punched in the face snapping Eric face to the side. "You don't touch her" Dacari told. He towered over Eric who held his face. "You bitch. You fucking hit me again" Eric muttered. I held Dacari back as he huffed. He shrugged his hand away causing me to fall. "She's a slut. She wanted me. She's just some poor girl who do anything for money" Eric laughed.

Dacari helped me off the floor about to walk back to Eric. I grabbed his arm dragging him away. I took him into the janitor's closet to talk. "You need to calm down" I signed. "He put his hands on you. You're mine he needs to understand boundaries" Dacari yelled.

"I could have handled it without you using violence. That's what he wanted you to do. You hurt me" I cried. Dacri tried holding my cheeks but I moved my head. Leaving the closet I felt upset and tired going to class.

Dacari POV
I had texted Tiffany all day and she hadn't replied. What was she doing? She only had me at the school to talk to so why wasn't she answering me? She was upset earlier so maybe a gift would fix things. I ordered some flowers and chocolate. It was five o'clock when  I got to her dorm. I stood outside about to open the door when my phone went off.

"Hello," I said looking at the screen. The phone read Butler. "I was wondering how things are going with what I said. I hadn't heard from you in a few months" I read. I smiled speaking " I went my own way with things. I got rid of her friend and now we're dating. I have to go cause I currently need to make up with her".

"Yes sir" my phone read. I hung up about to knock on the door when it opened. Tiffany had tears in her eyes and looked angry. My body shook I hated seeing her cry. I dropped the flowers and chocolate. "What's wrong," I asked. "I'm done. I want to break up" Tiffany signed.

My mind went blank and a frown etched onto my face. I took a step towards Tiffany "why? If it was for earlier, I apologize" . She shook her head "I don't want to hear it. We're done" she signed closing the door in my face. I snatched the chocolate and flowers off the floor leaving.

I will figure out a way to get us back together no matter what.

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