Chapter 6

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Dacari held me in my wet clothes. "Change. You need to get some rest" he ordered. "I need to go back to my room" I signed feeling over whelmed. Dacari blocked the door "do you really want to be alone right now". I thought about it and shook my head grabbing the clothes Dacari gave me. I changed and stood at the foot of the bed. Dacari was already laid in bed he held the covers up. I crawled in settling beside him.

He pulled the covers back over us. Uncomfortable I laid with arms above the covers. There was space in between us on the bed. "I'm sorry that this happened to you. I want you to know that none of this is your fault" Dacari said in a soft tone. "I know. It's that jerk's fault" I spat.

My eyes began to close and I fell asleep. Feeling comfortable sleeping next to my good friend. I woke up the next morning refreshed. However Dacari was not in the room. As I got up putting back my now dri dress the door opened.

Dacari came in with a fresh cup of Joe and what look to be a glaze donut. "For you" Dacari smiled. I took the cup drinking the steamy coffee. It was awkward silence for a few minutes until he cleared his throat. "Did you have a good sleep"? "Great sleep actually. I should really be going " I laughed nervously.

"Let me walk you" Dacari signed putting his cup of coffee down. He opened the door for me making me smile. We walked out of the boys dorm luckily no one caught us. We came into the girl dorms going through the hallway when I saw an angry Mariana coming at me.

"You skank" she yelled in my face. Dacari moved Mariana back looking between us. "Mariana what are you. Are you okay" I asked. "Am I okay. You slut. You slept with Eric" she shouted. I looked around in horror "do you even know what happened last night" I asked fustrated. "I should have believed those girls when they said you were a slut that was looking for any guy that has money" Mariana spat.

Tears fell from my face as I looked at Mariana. "It's fine. I still ended up with Eric. And you" she looked at Dacari. "You're the one-" Dacari stepped in front of me cutting her off. "Just leave. You've said enough" Dacari said in a deep voice. Mariana rolled her eyes and left stomping down the hallway.

"How could she say that about me? Eric almost raped me and drugged her" I sobbed talking slowly. Dacari hugged my body patting my head. "She must have not seen it like that. She's blinded by love" Dacari sighed.

After the showdown with Mariana she had went over to the other girls side. She would call me names in the hallway but after a week. She just simply ignored me. It's hurting having my only friend just simply hate me. I had gotten closer to Dacari. We practically spent every school hour together.

He had a gentle funny personality. My heart fluttered thinking how he had always been there for me. There was a special bond between him being deaf and me being the only one who could sign. Currently I sat in the studio with Dacari. "I'm thinking a happy melody with every instrument. It would be something new nothing ever heard before. Exactly what our teacher wanted us to come up with" I smiled waiting for Dacari's anwser.

He grinned while staring at me. I blushed  looking down from his intense stare. Dacari held my chin staring at my lips. I gulp nervously with my mouth closed as he moved in. Until Dacari lips attacked mine. My eyes went wide as he gently held my cheek pulling me in and deepening the kiss. My body shuddered and I pulled away out of breath. Dacari let go smiling as my eyes blinked harshly from shock.

"You get this sparkle in your eyes when you talk about music. It takes my breathe away" Dacari muttered. "Y-you...yy-u kissed me" I stuttered. "I believe that's what people do when they like someone". "You like me" I pointed to my chest. Dacari took my hand leaning in his  seat.

"No, I love you. Ever since I was child I've been gifted my only fault to everyone was that I was deaf. People would stare at me like I was brilliant but I could see their hidden thoughts. They pitted me or thought I was strange. You however have never looked at me that way. You've always looked at me like a normal person. I hope you have feelings for me" He rasped.

"I do like you" I said feeling overwhelmed by Dacari's feelings. Dacari pulled me sitting me on his lap. "So what are we now" I asked with my ears burning. "Boyfriend and girlfriend" Dacari stated. I nodded looking back at the instruments. "Let's finish our project" I said hoping off his lap.

"I will record and you start with the guitar" I signed. Dacari went into the studio and began playing. We continued switching playing each of the instruments. I listened to our melody while Dacari held his hand over a speaker. We smiled at one another happy with what we had just made together.

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