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The chocolate tabby known as Brokenheart paced outside the nursery. Lakewatcher sat and watched his paws move in motion. 

"Calm down, Brokenheart. You're going to make the entire Clan nervous," she meowed, but Brokenheart didn't listen. Instead, he started to flick his tail and his ears dropped. The lilactortiseshell placed her paw in front of him. "Brokenheart!"

"What?!" he snarled at her, his teeth barred and fur spinking from his back. 

"I said to calm down. Morningclaw's going to be alright. She's a strong cat, I'm sure she can handle delivering your kits," Lakewatcher comforted him. She could tell he was nervous. 

"It's not just that," he sighed. "What if the kits arn't strong and healthy? Or what if one is deformed like blind or no leg?" He began to pace again, but Lakewatcher pushed him over. Brokenheart fell to the ground, dust flying in the air, and the she-cat pinned him. 

"Now listen to me, mousebrain. Those kits will be yours, and you're going to love them, no matter what happens. Kits are a bundle of joy and the future of the Clan." Brokenheart placed his paw on the she-cats chest and pushed, trying to get her off. "Understand?"

He chuckled. "Yes, Lakewatcher. I understand." As the she-cat stepped off him, Feathercloud came out. Her long, blue fur shinned in the moonlight. He was too busy admiring her that he forgot that Morningclaw was in the nursery. 

"Brokenheart," the medicine cat started. "Congratulations! Morningclaw gave birth to two healthy kits. Both are toms. And you're allowed to go in now." Feathercloud stepped to the side and sat next to Lakewatcher and chatted. Brokenheart placed his paws in front of him as he walked down the tunnel, getting more anxious every second. He saw the deputy laying on a moss bed with two kits ate her stomach. 

"Brokenheart." Morningclaw wrapped her tail around the two tiny, scrawny kittens. "Aren't they beautiful?" The tom stood still at the nursery entrance. He was amazed. 

"Yes, Morningclaw, they are. And I'm proud of you," he purred and walked towards Morningclaw, laying down behind her and resting his head on her back. "I'm very proud." He entwined his tail with Morningclaw's and closed his eyes. 

The Forestclan leader, Fernstar, appeared at the entrance of the nursery. His soft fur shined in the gleaming moon. Lakewatcher and Featherloud appeared on the tom's side, Lakewatcher smiling. 

"Awe, look! My baby brother is now a father!" she playfully teased. Feathercloud wacked her in the head with her tail and giggled. Fernstar, on the other hand, didn't acknowledge the young she-cat's actions.

"Congratulations, Morningclaw. What are you thinking on naming them?"

The cream-colored she-cat pointed her tail to the small, tan tom. 

"He shall be named Branchkit." Brokenheart approved of the name with a nod and lick on Morningclaw's cheek. Fernstar smiled. Morningclaw gave Brokenheart a lick back and looked at Fernstar. 

"The brown tabby will be named Beetlekit." Brokenheart lifted his head from Morningclaw's back and starred at the cats blocking the entrance. 

"Can we have some time alone?" he asked quietly and Fernstar told the two she-cats to give them some time alone. Brokenheart stood from Morningclaw's back and walked to the front of her.

"Alright, Morningclaw. Here's what you're going to do: you're going disappear with the kits and live your life as a loner." The tabby unsheathed his claws, them gleaming when the moon shined in the nursery. "I'll even help you sneak out."

"I know what you want, and you're not getting it. You have no place with higher power," the she-cat hissed. "You used me. I thought you loved me. But all you want is power." Brokenheart growled, his tail viscously flicking. His fur bristled, moving his paw in a fast motion. He swiped Morningclaw's cheek, fur flying off her. She quickly responded with a hiss. 

"Get out," she yowled. "Get out! And don't you dare come near my kits! Ever!" Brokenheart turned and ran out the nursery, catching Fernstar's attention on the way and made him look into the nursery. He saw the claw marks and immediately came to her aid. 

"Morningclaw, you alright?" he asked. The she-cat responded with a nod. 

"Yes, Fernstar. I'm all right." She wrapped her tail around Beetlekit and Branchkit as they peacefully slept, not knowing what was going on. "While I'm raising them, can I make a cat the temporary deputy?" Fernstar nodded. 

"Lakewatcher, I trust that you'll watch over the Clan and be Fernstar's deputy until I can resume my duties." Lakewatcher's ears perked when she heard her name and her tail rose. Her eyes shinned and a smile appeared. 

"Yes, Morningclaw. I agree to take over until your kits are apprentices," she responded excitedly. Morningclaw smiled and asked everyone to leave so she could rest. They all agreed and left her alone with no one but Beetlekit and Branchkit. 

"Don't worry, my sons. My wish is that you don't see your father's true side." She rested her head on her paws and fell asleep quickly, but her dreams were haunted by Brokenheart. Why did he do this?

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