Chapter 1

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Beetlekit excitedly bounced out the of the nursery and was welcomed with the warm sunlight on his pelt. Branchkit joined him and stood to his side, his dark pale pelt looking brighter than ever. 

"We're gonna be the best apprentices ever! I wonder who our mentors will be!" Beetlekit said, sounding excited for his apprentice ceremony tomorrow. "Mama says we'll get amazing mentors. I can't wait!" Branchkit nodded. 

"Yeah! I bet when I grow up, I'm gonna be the leader! Imagine, Branchstar!" he laughed and Beetlekit joined in. A shadow then appeared and blocked the kits from the sunlight. They both looked up and saw the chocolate, muscular tabby looking down at them. 

"Hello, kits," Brokenheart growled, his tail swiftly moving and his claws showing, as they always do.

"Hello, father." Beetlekit cowered down and flattened his ears. He tried to make himself very small, hoping he'd disappear and reappear next to his mother.

"I'd get away from my kits if I were you," a voice from behind him growled. Beetlekit turned his head and saw his mother walking from the nursery and towards him and his father. 

"Morningclaw. Looking beautiful as always," he purred in a charmed voice. The small kits ran and ducked behind Morningclaw's legs. 

"Stop that." Beetlekit could tell she was angry, with her ears pinned and fur ruffled. "I thought I told you to stay away from my kits."

"You did. But it's a small camp. Plus, they're my kits as well. I have the right to see and speak with them." The muscular tom circled around the mother and kits for a few minutes before Morningclaw hissed and Fernstar appeared. 

"Brokenheart, go on a border patrol with Coldduck and Heronscratch," the leader ordered. The tabby growled under his breath but cooperated and left with the two warriors. 

"Is father a bad cat, mama?" Branchkit asked quietly, still cowered behind the she-cat's legs. 

"No, Branchkit. He's not a bad cat. He just..did something when you were very young. It's something I would never forget," she sighed. "But you don't have to worry about him. He won't do anything to you two while I'm here." 

"You're gonna protect us?" Beetlekit meowed, climbing on Morningclaw's leg. 

"Yes, Beetlekit. I'll protect you." She turned her head towards the medicine den. "Kits, why don't you go see if Feathercloud needs help? If not, see Crestpelt. She might have stories. I got to talk to Fernstar for a bit." Beetlekit and Branchkit bounded to the medicine den. Moss covered the entrance and vines dangled. The two kits looked down the tunnel. Beetlekit took the opportunity and playfully pushed Branchkit. Her rolled down the dirty tunnel and landed in the medicine den. 

"Beetlekit!" he shouted.

"Branchkit, are you okay?" a soft voice wondered. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I didn't fall that far, so no bruises!" he smiled gleefully at the beautiful medicine cat. Beetlekit carfully walked down the entrance and wondered up next to the tan tabby. He looked up at Feathercloud, his eyes gleaming.

"Need any help, Feathercloud? Mama sent us to see if you need help." Her eyes starred at Beetlekit and were full of guilt. She picked Branchkit by his scruff and carried him back into the main camp.

"No, Beetlekit," she sighed once Branchkit was set onto the ground. "I'd like to be left alone for now." The fluffy she-cat disappeared back into the darkness of the tunnel. Branchkit and Beetlekit looked at each other. 

"Why did she act so weird?" Beetlekit questioned, cocking his head. Branchkit responded with a shrug. 

"Suppose we should go to Crestpelt now." Beetlekit nodded and followed Branchkit when they were stopped by the pale, yellow she-cat known as Mothkit. 

"Hey, can I go with you to see Crestpelt?" she asked politely, her fluffy tail swiping the dirt and her face smiling. Branchkit gave an annoyed look at Beetlekit, pinning his ears. Beetlekit had known that his brother strongly disliked and didn't trust Mothkit. 

"I don't care," Branckit hissed. Beetlekit rolled his eyes.

"You can come Mothkit. I'm sure Crestpelt will be more than pleased to see more of us." Mothkit smiled happily, brushing against Beetlekit as they walked towards the elder's den, with was a large tree stump where about seven cats could fit. 

"Crestpelt!" the three kits cheerfully said, all running and laying at the calico she-cats side. The elder lifted her head and looked at the three kits with her yellow eyes, her tail wrapping around them. 

"Why, hello kits!" she meowed with a bright smile on her face. Beetlekit had always favored Crestpelt the most out of the entire Clan, except Morningclaw. "What have you come for this time?"

"Can we hear a story? Just one?" Beetlekit asked innocently, his big, green eyes blinking.

"Well, lets see what I got." Crestpelt thought for a moment, humming to herself. "Let me tell you about the time we had to fight off Marshclan. Bet you've never heard of this one before." The three kits shook their heads and gazed at the elder. 


Beetlekit was fascinated in the story, unlike Branchkit and Mothkit, who had peacefully fallen asleep curled up next to Crestpelt. 

"Can't believe you were able to stay up during my story, Beetlekit. I can agree, it can be boring," Crestpelt purred in her soft, soothing voice. 

"I don't care," the small kit said. "I love listening to your stories, Crestpelt." His eyes sparkled with happiness. 

"Well, that's good to hear," the old she-cat smiled. Beetlekit smiled back. But when he turned his head to the entrance of the elder's den, he saw his mother waiting for him, smiling back. 

"Thank you, Crestpelt." Morningclaw awoke Branchkit. "Come on, kits. It's time to go back to the nursery." 

"Don't mention it, Morningclaw. It was a pleasure to give stories to the little ones." Beetlekit caught Crestpelt giving him a wink before he walked away. He smiled and winked back. 


Beetlekit and Branchkit sat side by side under the Tall Rock, which Fernstar gazed upon them on. The Forestclan leader smiled happily. Morningclaw sat directly underneath Tall Rock, proud of her sons.

"Branchkit and Beetlekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior names, you'll be known as Branchpaw and Beetlepaw.

"Branchpaw, your mentor will be Lakewatcher. I hope she will pass down all she knows to you," The leader turned to the tortoiseshell warrior. "Lakewatcher, you are an amazing warrior of Forestclan. You will be Branchpaw's mentor, and I hope you pass all your knowledge to him." Beetlepaw watched his brother walk up to Lakewatcher and touch noses. 

"Branchpaw! Branchpaw! Branchpaw!" the Clan chanted, Morningclaw being the loudest. When everyone settled down, Fernstar turned to the small, brown tabby, waiting for him to get assigned a mentor. 

"Beetlepaw, your mentor will be Brokenheart. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you." He froze, his fur ruffled and his eyes wide. His father? Why his father? The entire Clan disapproved of Fernstar's choice. Yowls of anger rose. Morningclaw was shocked too. 

"Please, everyone, settle down," he ordered. "I know that Brokenheart has lost some trust over the moons, but everyone deserves a second chance. That second chance will be mentoring his son."

"Fernstar, please. It's my son. You know-" 

"Morningclaw, we'll talk about this later. Let me finish the meeting." He cleared his throat. "Brokenheart, you are a strong warrior of Forestclan. You will be Beetlepaw's mentor, and I hope you pass all your knowledge to him." The chocolate tabby appeared from behind Beetlepaw and stood near Tall Rock, waiting for his son to touch noses with him. Slowly, his made his way up and hesitantly touched his father's nose. 

"Clan dismissed!" Fernstar announced, and the clearing quickly vanished of cats. Beetlepaw cowered as Brokenheart walked by. Why, Fernstar? Why? Mother says he's a bad cat, so why do I have to be his apprentice?

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