Its My Birthday? Part 2

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"I'M BACK! I know, you guys missed me." Hope said.

I raised my eyebrow. "Hope you were gone for five minutes, I think were all fine."  

"Whatever" She scoffed and rolled her eyes. Sometimes I wonder how we're friends... And I mean ALL of them. "Wait you guys said we were gonna go to the beach, right?" I asked. All of the girls nodded in unison.

"Well why can't we still go?" Louis piped in and all of our heads snapped to his direction. Ok this reading my mind thing is getting weird. But strangely, I like it. It just shows he gets me. Woah, getting kind of cheesy in my head now are we? Huh now I'm hungry for cheese. What, is now not the best time?

"HELLO!!! EARTH TO ALEXCIS!!!" I was snapped out of my thoughts of cheese by Paola's screaming.

"Huh? Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Oh really?!" Emily said with a hint of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, I agree with Lou, the beach sounds really fun."

"Awee you guys already have nicknames! What's yours shnoockums?" Diana said as she pinched my cheeks. My jaw tensed and she noticed the slight anger gleaming in my eyes. She pulled away slowly and put her hands up in defense. "Sorry." If there's one thing you should know, its my anger issues. But I've learned how to control it. I'll just either ignore you or leave to blow of steam. By now my friends know when to back off.

"Ok awkward." Louis said breaking the silence. "So we all up for the beach?" He asked. Everybody agreed and nodded to each other.

"Oh and Louis."

"Yes love."

"Can you invite Harry, Liam, Niall, Justin, and Andy for umm" I gestured my hand to all of my friends. I noticed the girls all looked down and started blushing. They probably hated me right now but oh well, paybacks a bitch.

"Sure love" He chuckled. With that all of the girls and Louis left to get ready. Me and Hope packed all we needed to go to the beach and started getting ready. I picked out a red strapless bikini top with ruffles and a bottom with a black, pink, and blue pattern. On the sides of my hips, there are gold rings holding the fabric. After I put on my bikini, I put on blue distressed shorts on and a white crop top with Marylin Monroe on it. I put on my Ray Bans and flip flops and got my beach bag with all of my stuff.

"Hey Hope, are you ready?!" I scream from the living room.  

"Yeah hold on I'm coming!" She came down a few seconds later. "Omg you look cute!"  

"So do you!" She was wearing black shorts and a loose grey tank top.

We headed out and went to the car. Hope let me drive even though I don't have my drivers license. Yeah I know it seems stupid but I mean come on. I was sixteen yesterday and I went to the club. What else could be more wrong? Well other than having unprotected sex. Wow I sound like a whore. I wonder if Lou thinks I am. If he did, he wouldn't have had sex with me right? Shit, I forgot we were drunk. He probably just thinks I'm a stupid kid. Wait, he's only two years older than me!! Oh my God why am I even stressing out? Just breath and drive, no one wants to go to the hospital again. About twenty minutes later of singing-more like shouting-we finally arrived at the beach. I pulled up and saw two other cars behind us parking right next to us.

"That must be the rest of the gang." I said. "Gang? Really?" Hope questioned with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yes, gang." I smiled while crossing my arms.

Everyone else got out after we did and grabbed our things. I spotted Louis and started blushing. The only reason I started blushing was because we practically were wearing the same thing. He wore the same shade of red trunks, a white shirt, and Ray Bans. I walked over to the group of guys and girls. Hope followed suit behind me.

"WHOSE READY TO SWIM?!!?" I screamed loudly. Everybody wooped and hollered.  

"Then let's go!!" Louis screamed.

We all ran to the sand and the girls set up everything while the guys took their shirts off and ran to the water. But I gotta say, I'm not really complaining about the view.  

"Well this is a good view!" Paola said while she laid down on her towel. We all agreed and nodded our heads.  

"You know what would be an even better view?" All of the girls furrowed their eyebrows together. "GETTING ON THE WATER WITH THEM!!!" After I gave them the biggest hint I could possibly give them, I ran towards the water and instantly got hit by a small wave. I fell down on my butt hard. Suddenly someone carried me bridal style. Was it Louis? I looked up to the towering figure to my surprise it was..


"Ello love" He gave me a cheeky smile which made me blush.  

"Aww its nice know that I make you blush darling." I mentally facepalmed myself.  

"Um could you put me down?" I asked nicely.  

"No I like you here in my arms." This time he gave me an evil smirk.  

"Harry, I mean it. Now put me down!!" 

"Whatever you say love. Louis, catch!!" Harry threw me up in mid-air which caused me to let out a little scream but luckily Louis had caught me. After he caught me he put me down.

"You ok love?" He asked.  

"Yeah I'm fine thanks." 

"No problem" I hadn't noticed till now but Louis had some delicious abs. I swear, he might just be stronger than Emile. Oh and his biceps! Damn now I really wanted to feel all of his muscles.

"Like what you see?" I looked back into his eyes. I bit my lip out if nervousness which is weird. Guys usually don't make make me nervous.  

"Take a picture, maybe it will last longer." I playfully punched his arm and he acted hurt.  

"Come on let's get to the other." I said. The rest of the day consisted of swimming and messing around on the sand. Sometimes we would even play volleyball. I couldn't get the memory out of my head though when Harry had picked me up when I fell. Something about his actions confused me. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Plus, him and Diana seem to hit it off. They were cute together. I wonder if me and Louis would look cute together too. I mentally shrugged my shoulders and set that thought aside. It probably wouldn't happen in a million years.


Hey guys I'm sorry for not updating! I've been really stressed and busy this spring break. Plus my birthday was on the tenth. Yeah...wink wink. Anywayyyy I hope you guys like this chapter I know I hated it. Yes I do realise its short but my friends have been bugging me to update soo here I am!



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