Chapter 3: Deadly Spider

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Navigating the unfamiliar corridors, I rushed to find my next class, feeling like a fish out of water in this strange school environment. As I located the room, I entered to find 24 other students seated. Apologizing to the teacher for my tardiness, he forgave me but mandated a brief introduction to the class.

Y/N: Hmm... I sense something familiar about those three.

Y/N: Alright, hi, my name is F/N L/N, and, uh, where to begin... Okay, I guess I'll start from the beginning.

Crafting a fabricated backstory that included living with my adoptive father, I successfully presented myself. The teacher then directed me to sit next to the blonde girl who had caught my attention earlier. As the lecture commenced, I occasionally stole glances at her, noting her distinctive features—her shaved right side, freckles, blue eyes, and a gap in her teeth.

Y/N: There's something about her that feels like a memory.

My gaze then wandered to two others in the class. The African American boy, seemingly Puerto Rican, was absorbed in his drawings, and the white boy, lean and athletic, had a classic look.

Class finally ended, and lunchtime arrived. Opting for solitude, I grabbed my food, donned my headphones, and started playing music. Just as I was about to eat, a tap on my shoulder startled me. It was the same three people from class, accompanied by two new faces. The blonde girl initiated the conversation.

Gwen: Hey... umm... can me and my friends sit here?

Y/N: Uhhhhh... sure.

The black kid gave me a thumbs up.

???: Thanks, man.

As they settled around me, I put my headphones back on, intending to keep to myself. The white kid from class, however, approached me.

???: Hey... uh, what's your name again? Because I feel like I remember you from somewhere?

Y/N: Play it safe, Y/N. Keep it simple.

Y/N: Oh... my name is F/N L/N, and sorry, but I get that a lot. This is actually my first time meeting you all.

He nodded approvingly and proceeded to introduce himself and the rest of the group.

Peter: Oh, sorry about that... well, my name is Peter Parker.

He gestured towards the black kid.

Peter: That's Miles Morales.

Miles: What up!

Then Peter introduced the new faces—the kid with unique hair and the girl with red hair.

Peter: The kid with the weird hair, that's Harry Osborn, and the redhead is Mary Jane.

Harry: Hey, for the last time, Parker, my hair is not weird.

The group exchanged teasing banter, and before Peter could introduce the blonde girl, she introduced herself.

Gwen: My name is Gwendalyn Stacy, or Gwen for short.

A strange sense of nostalgia washed over me. I smiled as Gwen asked to know more about me.

Gwen: So, Y/N, tell us about yourself since you're new here.

Miles: Yeah, man, tell us about yourself.

After some contemplation, I shared a version of my backstory. They asked the usual getting-to-know-you questions, and as Harry inquired about my relationship status, Gwen intervened with a punch and reassurance.

Funnel-Web (Y/N x Gwen Stacy) Where stories live. Discover now