9: Clan Asepa (Raven Tide)

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No wonder the Graven chased her.

Though... my mother slayed an identical grub while she was trapped in Thorngate and the minions never treated her differently than prey to be devoured, but that may have been due to her role in the Graven procreation ritual.

Still, it was strange. My mother gained the involuntary ability to understand and communicate the Graven language, along with any other language or writing she encountered. It's what allowed her to read their relics and find a path to break free of their prison.

But Chyani appeared to be unchanged.

She relied heavily on the translator while engaging with the Iddril and she only understood me unaided when I spoke in the common human tongue. I doubt she would have been smiling had she understood the graphic lyrics woven into the song I sang in the med bay.

"You look comfy," Chyani slid into my lap as I prepared Venom Heart's defenses before making the jump.

"Mmm.." I pulled her close and helped her settle in comfortably into my chair. Then I activated the force harness around us. "I hope I didn't frighten you by telling you about Thorngate."

"If I'd slept through the attack of that giant moth or been left in the dark about the victims of Phirsa 3 I could probably compartmentalize the problem and write it off as something distant and not aware that I existed."

"And now that you are aware of the danger and that it's very conscious of your presence?"

Chyani leaned her head on my chest. "It makes me sick to my stomach."

I squeezed her partially formed new shoulder, "I'm sorry that I can only provide you with more questions. Hopefully, Clan Asepa's scientists will do better."

"Do you think those things are still hunting me?"

"I don't know..." I touched her forehead with my touch-quills. "The Graven presence is scattered throughout the universe. Their behavior on Phirsa 3 suggests they can sense you. It may be why they attacked the colony in the first place."

"All those people.." Chyani's gaze wandered off.

"That tragedy isn't your fault," I pulled her chin up. "You did not seek the Graven. They are the ones who chose to invade a peaceful colony."

Chyani's big brown eyes stared up at me intently.

"They invaded Sahei, my homeworld, once."

Chyani widened her eyes and stirred in my arms.

"My brother and I were unborn, still attached to our mother in her pouch," I explained. "They came for her and failed."

"You're a twin?"

"Hmm.." I nodded. "My brother's name is Crazy Wolf. Perhaps one day you will meet him."

The expression on her face made me smile, as it was evident she was imagining two of me.

Growing up, he and I shared nearly everything, but I would sooner duel him into submission than ever share Chyani.

"But all the same," I returned to my story. "My mother was not to blame. We cannot control the choices of others, nor are we accountable for their actions. We can only stand up for ourselves and pursue justice."

Chyani nodded with a faint smile. "It still feels surreal. All I did was squash a bug."

"Perhaps coming in contact with it was the only trigger necessary," I continued typing into my navigation comm. "But it's odd that they left you alone. They never shied from attacking my mother, but she was also a critical component in one of their rituals."

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