13: Burn🔥(Raven Tide)

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Time stood still as we sat side by side, breathing in silence.

This ship was called Storm Hound and according to its external sensors, the remnants of Silosa Outpost were well behind us.

"Is this their ship?" Chyani spoke up first.

"Smells like it."

"What about Venom Heart and your cargo?"

We were still in shock and conversing impassively with our eyes locked, facing forward.

"I don't know," I finally turned to her. "The stasis capsule was designed to withstand a crash from orbit. I imagine it can be salvaged safely from the wreckage."


Dad lost his arm to a Graven once. He knew how dangerous they were. He probably would've figured out a way to get back to Venom Heart, but he'd never value tech or a means of transportation over another's life.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Raven Tide. You're in deep shit and you know it.

The only thing that matters is getting Chyani to safety.

"Where do we go now?"

I pulled up the star maps and the status of the ship's crucial systems.

"This ship isn't coded to access the jump points," I sighed. "We'll need to find a ship with clearance or make contact with Nexus members willing to offer transport."

Chyani remained quiet. Her mind had to be reeling equally, if not more than mine.

"I'm not quite sure how to go about that without fast travel..." my quills hovered in uncertainty.

I wanted to tell her we'd go to my homeworld, Sahei, but we both knew the Graven wasn't done. Or more accurately, done with her.

Would she ever be safe?

I had to try.

There's only one way to stop a Graven... but how do I explain the truth to Chyani?

She's already endured too much.

Images of Chyani bound and gagged flooded my mind. Her limbs strapped to that crate, the Hollows putting their claws on her skin, her tears, and me losing control.

"It's ok," Chyani unbuckled her harness and laid her hand over mine. "Are we ok for the moment?"

I nodded and relaxed my fists.

"Then let's go to the med bay, if they have one," Chyani stood up and pulled me to my feet.

Midway down the main corridor, I spotted the communal hygiene chamber. It was empty and possibly the cleanest room within the vessel.

"Even if they don't have a med bay," I motioned to my injuries. "This will all heal."

Chyani's fingertips hovered over the long gouges carved into my chest, "You-" her voice trembled and she bit her lips.

I pushed aside a stray lock of hair on her temple and waved her into the room. "Wash up, I'll tend to my wounds and find you some better clothes. I like this outfit, but I don't want you to catch a cold."

A little half-smile rippled over her lips. "What do you know? All those terrible early-earth sci-fi B-movies were absolutely nailing women's space attire centuries before faster-than-light travel."

I nuzzled her forehead and stroked her arm.

"The ship's empty, right?"

"Yes," I nodded with confidence. "I checked the sensors, but I'm going to sweep through every room personally."

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