19: The Hall of Judgement (Chyani)

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"Raven Tide, Dreaded brother of Jahaa," an eight-foot-tall blue and orange striped Zhaguai female dressed in black armor and a long flowing black cape stood at the front of the spacious black hall. She held a long black spear in her clawed hand and wore a thirsty-looking black blade holstered on her hip. "You stand before your Supreme Elder and your clan in dishonor."

I wasn't the one on trial, but her cold words sliced through me all the same like sheet metal.

Raven Tide stood before the Elder, Oru, with his head held high. He wore only a grey loincloth. Then even confiscated his gauntlet and the red and gold ringlets from his long quills.

Oru listed out his crimes, the first and most egregious being coming to the surface of Phirsa 3 and rescuing me.

Raven Tide spoke in earnest, adopting the same formal intonation of the other Zhaguai, but he made no apologies, only asserting that his actions were guided by his devotion to his clan, Jahaa.

I noticed tiny long grooves carved into the floor spoking out around Raven Tide's bare feet. Each little channel sloped off into discreet little drains hidden at the edges of the grand hall.

More than anything, I wanted Raven Tide to move away from that ominous location.

A large red male Zhaguai, the same height as Oru, stepped up wordlessly and presented Gar'mol's skull. Then the Elder's subordinate returned to his station next to another, far more menacing-looking all-black male Zhaguai. He was pierced in silver jewelry and standing off in the corner.

I hope he's not the one in charge of dishing out punishment.

The Elder held the skull up and let Raven Tide tell the tale, but everyone was silent when he reached the conclusion.

And here I thought the exam this morning was the worst part of my day.

Did he know? Of course, he did...


Panic expanded in my chest. I was the smallest person in the crowded hall, but it felt like my heartbeat dwarfed everyone around me.

My thoughts flashed to when Raven Tide hugged me and I, like an insolent moron, told him he was young and would have plenty of time for improvement.

Then the part I was dreading arrived.

Oru cast down her judgment.

"It is the decree of Jahaa that, Raven Tide, is to be stripped of all armaments excluding his gauntlet and, he will be demoted of all ranks and merits, excluding his trophies and titles earned since the time of his first Dread Rite, as his deeds can never be erased."

Oru clanged her spear once on the black marble floor.

"And, since he is so eager to prove himself on the battlefield against the Graven. He will be inducted, post haste, into the Nexus military where he will serve no less than three tours on the front lines."

"With honor, my Elder," Raven Tide stood at attention.

"Now kneel, Raven Tide, and complete your atonement," Oru clanged her staff twice more. "May your path be pure from this day forth."

Two golden-clad Reavers approached.

They grabbed his arms and held him taut as Raven Tide submitted with his head down and dropped to his knees.

A third Zhaguai stepped forward, like the others he was masked in gold but his body armor was purple.

He raised a wide red glowing sword and then stood behind Raven Tide.

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