May we go in to Battle Kingdom?" Green asked the only guard at the gate. "Battle Kingdom? No, no, this isn't Battle Kingdom. This it Technology Kingdom. Welcome!" The guard said.
Second stood there in confusion. (Yeah, that didn't make sense.) He looked over at Green and he just looked confused as well. "Ah, sorry I said the wrong name, I meant Technology kingdom," Green said, but Second could tell he was lying. "Ah, I see. No worries, sticks mistake Battle and Technology kingdom for each other all the time. Now, come on in!" The guard replied.
The two sticks walked around the kingdom like lost children. Well, mainly because they were lost. "Do you even know where we're going?" Second asked Green. "Ummm, well... no?" Green replied nervously. Second face palmed. Are you kidding me? Second thought. "Well I've been here once for a royal meeting so I know where a hotel is but that's all. Maybe we can go there?" Second suggested, "why didn't you say so in the first place!?" Green shouted. "Calm down, I thought you knew where we were going," Second replied. Green signed and muttered something, "pardon me but what did you say?" Second asked, "oh, just said that it would have saved us a lot of trouble if you had told me earlier. Anyways, lead us to the hotel," Green said.
And with that the two sticks went off to the hotel.
Green collapsed onto his bed. Second had booked a room in the hotel called pixel paradise. (That is a stupid name and I'm sorry for it.) Then he heard a knock on his door. "Come in," Green said, knowing it was Second.
Second walked in. "So you wanna tell me how we ended up in Technology kingdom instead of Battle kingdom?" Second asked. Green sat up and said, "Honestly, I don't know myself. I told you I haven't been there in a long time." Green said, "I know, well, it doesn't matter. Perhaps we can recruit a stick from Technology kingdom as well." Second replied. Green nodded.
"Well I'm off to bed! See you in the morning!" Green said. "Okay, good night," Second replied. "Now leave my room!"
????? walked through the streets. He was holding a few books in his hand that he couldn't fit into his bag. He was looking at the books he had in his hand when he heard, "Green, watch out!" And before he knew it he had bumped into a stick, the books in his hands and some of the books a paper documents in his bag fell out. (Since it wasn't zipped. Lol) "Oh my Alan! I'm sorry!" The stick shouted. "Here, let me help you collect your stuff."
"Again I'm sorry for bumping into you," Green said, "No problem, it's fine. By the way, what are your names?" The stick Green had bumped into asked. "Oh, I'm Green and that's..." Green paused, "Segundo," Second added nervously. "Oh, I see. I'm Yellow if you'd like to know." Yellow replied. The other two sticks nodded. "Now, why haven't I seen nor heard of you two before... Oh, wait! Your Green! The musician from Melody kingdom. Why didn't I recognize you before? Your songs are amazing!" Yellow exclaimed. "Oh, thanks!" Green replied with a smile. "Now you... umm, I don't think I know you. Do you mind taking of your hood so I can see your face? Of course you don't have to." Yellow said. "O-oh, ummm, I'd prefer to keep it on," Second replied nervously. "Ah okay. Now, why are you two here in Technology kingdom?" Yellow asked. "Ummm, well, because we... well-" Second stuttered, "it's personal to him," Green interrupted, "not even I know," he added, but Green knew he was lying. "Oh, alright." Yellow answered.

☆A Different Dimension (Alan Becker fantasy AU)☆웃 (ON HIATUS)
FantasyWhat happens if 6 stick figures from different kingdoms meet. What adventures will they go on? What evil will they meet? Will they find love? Will they have a happy ending? Or will they suffer a painful death. Will there powers help? Read this story...