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MADDIE and I sit in the gym, strung along the above bleachers. Our lips parted as we look down on our friends, and not-so-friends, as our principal announces at the podium.

"...The Split River Police are considering this a missing person investigation. I know this is quite alarming news, but we have every hope that both girls will be found..."

My attention is struck towards two of my own cheerleaders, and their newly found captain, Claire. "I know Amara, but who's the other girl again? Maggie somebody?"

"They found a bunch of blood smeared all over the janitor's closet."

"I thought it was the boiler room. Right, I'm right?"

"They think their phones are, like, still in the school somewhere. I guess they tried to..."

She cut her off. "Oh my god. You're telling me she doesn't have her phone? That's so sad."

"Hey," Claire's voice rung, leaning over the girls. "Could you two, like, please focus?" A mutter of "I'm sorry's" came out of their mouthes.

I can see Simon and Nicole, but I'm too far away to comprehend what they're talking about. "They look awful, Mads. It breaks my heart."

"I remind you, if you know anything at all, please do come forward." He sighs, a grin appearing on his face. "Now, a little levity. A routine from our very own Split River cheer squad!"

"Are you kidding me? I'm dead for three days and she takes my place!" Maddie's quiet, but she's not checked out, she's just attentive.

Charley sits down behind us, leaning in forward. "Hey, at least they used a nice photo of you two." He points to the big picture of us, Maddie and I's arms around each other and smiling in it. God, I remember that day. Simon had snapped it of us during a campfire we started in the woods.

"I'm trying to focus here." Maddie shoots back somewhat rapidly.

"Come on, Split River, get on your feet!" My line, I think to myself. "The Bandits gonna bring the...heat, heat, heat! B-A-N-D-I-T-S! Go, Bandits, go!"

"For Amara and Maggie!" The girl from before shouts, I cringe in disgust.

"It's Maddie!" She stands up, leaning against the railing.

"They can't hear you." Charley says, standing up after me.

"Yeah. Thank you, Captain Obvious." I sigh, looking over the entire gym.

Maddie and I start walking away, as he follows along, still talking. "The good news is, it's only a matter of time until they realize you're both dead."

We all walk out of the gym, doors slamming behind us. "We've been wandering the halls for three days."

I run a hand through my hair. "Where the hell are we even supposed to be?"

"If you're looking for it to make sense, Amara, you can stop."

"Since when did you become such a negative nancy, Charley? I always took you as the sweet one."

"Are you sure we're, like, dead? Clinically dead?" She asks, looking at us two. "I mean, you could see ghosts, right? How do you know you're truly dead?"

"This...whole thing, is kind of how I knew people were dead, had become spirits." I try to make sense of it.

Her eyes widen. "Maybe...maybe I'm in a coma in a hospital somewhere and some overworked nurse is stepping on my breathing tube, and I just need to wake up."

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