Holiday woth the osbournes Marnie, peri, ollie and steph

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Charlie's pov
Today we're going on holiday with the whole family, including Marnie,peri, Steph, tom Ollie and Thierry. Ella can't wait, it's going to be her first holiday. I can't believe Mandy never took her on holiday, im going to male it my mission to male it,extra special for her. We're going,to,a campsite in Cornwall, we're riding with Tom peri and steph. TOMS letting me drive for the first hour and then we're switching. We packed last night, I kiss Ella and say " are you ready for your first holiday babe?", she kisses me and replies " oh you bet I am ". We shower and get dressed, then get in the car, Ella is playing with Steph, she's so good with her, it's got me thinking about the future. Tom takes,over driving, and me and peri swap seats, I kiss Ella's head she smiles looks at me and mouths " I love you so much babe". We arrive in Cornwall,we're the first ones there, me and Ella get our bags and put them in our room, I wrap my arms around her waist and say " so what do you think of it babe", she kisses me and says " I love it, not as much as I do you because that would be impossible ".

Ella's pov
Charlie picks me up, kisses me and I have my hands in his hair. He lays me gently on the bed , he lays next to me and I get on top of him and kiss him. We makout for half an hour then decide to stop there. We leave our room to see Tom and peri , playing with Oscar and Steph. Ester is playing with Morgan and Thierry , I join tom and peri, Oscar  signs " do you love Charlie?". Tom and peri laugh , I get to osscars height and sign " of corse I do, don't tell him but I prefer you to him". Charlie looks at me and says " that's interesting, I thought you loved me". He walks off, i run after him and say " Charlie I love you so much , you mean so much To me, you're my future husband and the father of my future children". He kisses me and says " it's a good Job I was just pretending to be hurt isint it". I slap his chest and say " just kiss me you idiot",he kisses me and I kiss him back, this is the best start to the holiday I could of wished for".

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