There were two families, the Lucas family and the Xiao family. The two families were like the family of Lucas and Xiao. Lucas and Xiao studied at the same school until 2004. Xiao went to New Zealand to study with her grandmother, and she returned in 2006. She went on a trip to Korea to visit her aunt, then Suman, the company's manager, saw her. He was impressed with her vision, then asked them To play the role of Somin because she was sick, her mother refused at first, but she performed in the group for months, then returned to China and learned that she would not return to New Zealand..
كانا هناك عائلتان عائله لوكاس و عائله شياو كانو العائلاتان مثل عائله درس لوكاس و شياو في نفس المدرسه حتى سنه ٢٠٠٤ ذهبت شياو الى نيوزلندا للدراسه مع جدتها و عادت سنه ٢٠٠٦ ذهبت في رحله الى كوريا لزياره خالتها ثم رائها سومان مدير الشركه انعجب بفيجوالها ثم طلب منهم ان تادي دور سومين لانها كانت مريضه رفضت امها بالبدايه لاكن ادت في الفرقه لشهور ثم عادت الي صين و علمت انها لن تعود الي نيوزلندا..