Chapter Five

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*Esme's POV*

By the time final bell rang, I was exhausted. You'd think that a computer teacher would already know how to fix a computer that won't start but, no. Apparently that's out of the job field.

I spent a good two hours trying to fix that damn thing when I finally realized one of the idiot kids kept unplugging the cords.

but whatever. I just walked out of the office with my bag on my shoulder when my phone rang. Checking the screen it read Mr. Green.

'Yes, Mr. Green?" I say politely.

"Esme, a family emergency has just popped up and I have no one to cover my detention shift. Do you think you could help me out?"

"Sure thing, I 'm walking towards your room as we speak."

"Thank you." he said in pure gratefulness. I hang up and keep walking till I reach the door. I knock once then enter.

I probably should be surprised and yet I'm not. In the very back row was James and five of his friends. His eyes narrowed when he saw me.

Probably still pissed at me for ruining his drop. If only he knew.

"Thanks again for covering me Esme." Mr. Green says as he stuffs papers and folders into his briefcase, yeah he's one of THOSE teachers.

"Make sure they stay for the whole hour." he adds as he slams the door shut. I shook my head a small smile making its way on my face before sitting at his desk and pulling out my lap top and head phones.

As I was loading up my computer, I felt eyes on me. I kept doing my thing. Signing into my gmail, I see I have a link from an anonymous person to a website. Putting in the headphones I press play.

My eyes move rapidly with the items in the video. Anger builds in me as well as sorrow as I continue watching. I can feel my eyes narrowing as I run a finger across my bottom lip continuously. Half way through the video I slam the top of my lap top down and pull of my head pones as I stand up and begin to pace.

When I felt like I was being watched again, I see James and the others staring at me in surprise and curiosity.

"Don't you have something better to do than stare at me like fucking creeps?" I snap, taking the anger out on them. Instantly, I feel regret. I place both hands on the edge of the desk and lean on it with my head down. I take a deep breath and let it out.

I look back up to see the curiosity gone, eyes full of astonishment. I clear my throat, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout like that."

"Are you sure you're okay Esme?" A boy with blonde, almost brown, hair asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry but how do you know my name and who are you?" I ask.

"We heard Mr. Stick-up-his-ass say it when he called you, and my name is Payton." He says giving me a gentle smile which I return. He then gestures to the other boys sitting with him. "This douche bag next to me is Liam, next to him is Lucas, they are inseparable, next to Lucas is Conner, next to Conner is Daniel, we call him Danny, and lastly is-"

"James." I interrupt.

Payton gave me a confused look, "We've formally meet each other already."

Payton looked at James with mock hurt, "Why didn't you tell us you spoke to such a beautiful woman."   

I giggled. Wait what. The hell is wrong with me. My phone ringing filled the silence after my weird giggle.


"Es, where are you? Is something wrong with Jake or Cole?" panic fill his voice.

"Shit." I murmur. I put my phone on speaker as I start packing up my lap top. "I'm so sorry Chris I forgot."

"You forgot?" He yelled. "How the fuck could you forget something like this? And how the hell could you forget our kids!"

I rolled my eyes, "Watch your tone Christopher." I warned. "I was babysitting a few kids in detention for Mr. Green. Speaking of which," I glance at them, my brows furrowing when I see a pair of heated grey eyes, I shake it off and say, "you guys can leave now. I'll be home in 15 Chris." With that I jogged to the front of the school where Jake was sitting with Cole on the steps.

"I am so sorry my babies." I say giving Cole a hug since I knew Jake would be embarrassed.

"It's okay mom." Jake says shrugging and stuffing his hands in his pockets.

We walk to my car, after making sure they were buckled in I pulled out of the lot and sped home.

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