types of gender dysphoria

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there are three main types of gender dysphoria (that i know of): body dysphoria, social dysphoria, and mind dysphoria

body dysphoria: feeling like your sex characteristics don't align with the gender you identify with. some people might always be distressed by seeing the sex characteristics they have, and others might only have it once they have their clothes on (i'm trying to keep this as vague as possible without being too vague...)

social dysphoria: feeling like the way others perceive you gender-wise is not the way you perceive yourself. for example, some people might be perceived as a woman to everyone but they feel like a man, and this causes them some level of distress

mind dysphoria: feeling like your AGAB and gender identity don't align. this is at least what most trans people experience, but again, isn't like a requirement or anything

trans people usually feel at least one kind of dysphoria, but it's not like a mandatory thing or something to consider yourself trans. gender euphoria (the feeling of feeling "right" in your gender, and typically at first will make you feel extremely happy to be gendered correctly) is typically a stronger indicator of someone being trans, though once again, isn't "mandatory"

gender dysphoria can bring great distress, but also isn't always necessarily the case. it can also vary depending on the time or day or whatever, it's not always constant. also in some people's lives, it is not very prevalent. they might experience all the types of gender dysphoria, just not to the extent as maybe someone else

anyways that's all i have for you today. once again, lmk if i missed anything or if you have any questions and i'll address them asap. also lmk if you'd like me to discuss a specific topic

anyways byeeee

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