Infected with Love ( Piggy Characters X Male Reader)

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Roblox Piggy, yeah. Also this will kinda be like Intercity (if you know what that is). Will be after the first 2 books but will still go to past places and meet past characters, also this is going to have the most out of pocket cast since not much art exists (good ones at least (not trying to hate on any artists though)


You were currently stationed with a bunch of survivors at a military camp. The Infection had gone world wide and not many people were left. You were one of the lucky few to actually make it.

Y/N (thinking): Yeah right, 'lucky'.

You thought as you remembered all the terrifying memories. Losing your entire family to the infection, all your friends and guardians. You didn't know why you were one of the survivors but your thoughts quickly moved onto something else as the cold wind blew past you, making you shiver from the cold.

Soldier: Alright citizen's we've made contact with a bigger base out there, they're bringing a chopper to take some of you with them to safety.

The Black and White camo soldier said walking in. You peaked your head past him to see many soldiers on top of the bases walls, fending off infected. You sighed in slight relief hoping that this meant that you could finally be at peace for a while.

Y/N: So d-do you know when they'll be here?

You asked.

Soldier: Shortly actually, first we'll evacuate who we can, but since we don't have that many here, it will probably be two trips for us all.

He said. Suddenly the sound of a helicopter was heard as everyone walked outside. You grew a small smile as you were actually going to finally escape this hellish snowy plane. But your hope was cut short as you suddenly saw smoke come from the plane, with it crashing into the wall of the military base. A Loud explosion disrupted everyone, causing them to fly back. You managed to not get thrown back as much as you witnessed hundreds on infected enter. That night a lot happened to you. But somehow you were really lucky, and managed to escape.

[Present Time]

You were currently scavenging a hospital for medical supplies. It took a while for you to come to the conclusion that bandages are good bindings, and go together really well with things infected can't scratch or bite through.

Y/N (thinking): If I try my so called 'tactic' it's gonna slow me the hell down sadly.

You said to yourself as you checked a small journal of yours. You tried keeping track of all your days, but you didn't know what to write half of the time. You only had a motive, and that was to find any civilization, or cure out there. It had been a year since the winter incident, and you've gotten wiser, but you've still yet to find your way to the military base they spoke of.

"Day 406 - I Haven't written in this for a while, but I guess that's what happens when you just walk for day's in a row. I've been real lucky with not running into infected, god even though I've either killed or knocked down hundreds of them, I feel bad since they could technically be saved. This feels like the worst time to self reflect since I'm at the outskirts of the most infected city, let's hope something interesting or positive happens next time."

You finished writing your entry as you placed the book in your backpack. You quickly searched cabinets and drawers for anything you could find. You were trying to be as silent as possible since you heard faint footsteps.

FruitCupWriter98's Oneshot Book x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now