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Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

V still couldn't believe what just happened, he's still stunned by it. His mind was blank right now, he was too lost because of the kiss. Maybe it's because he missed Jungkook that's why he wasn't able to stop him.

But still, he should at least do something to stop it because it's embarrassing. He can't help but curse himself right now for being so stupid.



Unaware of V, he forgot that he shouldn't respond when he heard someone call him that name.

He saw Jungkook get out of the car and opened the door of the car for him.

“Get inside” Jungkook told him.

“What? Why?” V replied confused.

“We shouldn't talk here, I know a place where we can safely talk.” Jungkook uttered.

V mumbled “Okay” and went inside the car and Jungkook followed him.

“So, uh, where are we going?” V asked and looked at him.

“In my cabin, I can assure you that it will be safe there.” Jungkook said while driving.

When they arrived at the cabin, Jungkook got out, so V did the same thing. But before he can even stand up properly, Jungkook kissed him again and his back was pressing on the car. He was taken aback by that action that he couldn't process anything yet.

The kiss this time was eager and filled with hunger as if Jungkook would eat him alive.

“Calm down” He attempted to stop Jungkook by tapping his shoulder, but he let out a mewl when Jungkook hardly squeezed his butt cheeks.

Jungkook takes that as a chance to push his tongue inside V's mouth, sucking him out. V felt like he will fall out at any moment because of his shaky legs.

“Jump” Jungkook told him while patting his butt.

With a dazed mind, V did what Jungkook told him and jumped on him, encircling his legs around Jungkook's tiny waist. Jungkook carried him and walked to the cabin, he could hear the doorknob twisting behind him while his back was pressed on the door.

It was too late to stop now, he's liking it too much that he didn't want to stop. He was so occupied with Jungkook's lips on his that he didn't notice they were already inside, walking upstairs.

He just realized it when his back bounced on the soft mattress and Jungkook pulled away from the kiss.

“We can't do this, you're married.” He stopped Jungkook, who was about to kiss him again while hovering on top of him.

“Married? Fuck that.” Jungkook grinned and pinned his hands above his head.

“Wait, you're being fast, you don't even know who I am.” V wanted to stop Jungkook because he will surely have a sore body tomorrow.

“But your body likes it.” Jungkook smirked, teasingly putting his right hand on V's shirt.

V can't help but let out a whine because of Jungkook's touch. It's been a while since he did this, so that's why he's being sensitive with a mere touch.

Jungkook gently grabbed his jaw, making him look at those hungry brown eyes.

“Do you want me to stop?” Jungkook asked and put his knee on V's clothed cock, grinding it slowly.

V breathed shakily, tempted to be touched by his husband.

“J-just be gentle, please.” V gave up.

He badly wanted Jungkook to be deep inside him right now.

“Okay” Jungkook smirked.

V knew he fucked up, he knew that smirk of Jungkook. It means the opposite of gentle as what he said.

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