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Chapter 52

He badly wants to roll his hips up, knowing that the slightest movement will let his cock brush against Jungkook. He can feel it, just barely, every time Jungkook shifts as he and V continue to kiss wetly, messily.

He groans when Jungkook takes mercy and lets their hips meet, grinding against him. V's toes curl at the friction, the prolonged teasing wearing him out and pushing him past the brink of sensitivity. He had already been deprived of Jungkook touches for a whole day, any longer and V might really just lose his mind.

"Jungkook," he tries again, voice barely above a breath against Jungkook's lips. "Please."

"I can't give you what you want unless you ask for it. You know that, don't you, babe?"

Jungkook strokes his cheek tenderly with his thumb. The touch sends strong currents through his body as Jungkook presses himself harder against V, earning himself a moan that sounds almost pained.

Tears begin to prickle at the corners of his eyes as Jungkook continues to move his hips over his. The frustration has already started to overflow and consume him. He's been a good boy.

He whines again, arching into Jungkook's body, his breath growing even more ragged.

"Go on, baby. Tell me. You know I'd do anything for you, right? As long as you ask nicely," Jungkook urges. His tongue traces over the tear tracks running down V's cheeks. V didn't even notice that he was already crying.

"Fuck me," V gasps, voice breaking in between words. His mind is melting into mush, and he can barely think about anything else except Jungkook. "Please fuck me, Jungkook-"

"Oh, baby," Jungkook coos, kissing his cheek so tenderly that V almost sobs. He wants Jungkook so badly that it actually hurts.


Jungkook relents, kissing him on the mouth this time, tongue slipping between already parted lips, tasting the inside of V's mouth once again before leaning back up, spreading his husband's legs wider, and positioning himself properly between them again.

V hides his face in his hands again, unable to handle Jungkook staring down at his body like this. He always looks at him with some kind of mix of hunger and affection. V can't quite place it, but it makes his heart flutter and his mind go numb.

His cock is impossibly harder now than it was earlier, and so much wetter, weeping all over his torso. It throbs painfully, and V fears he might cum before Jungkook even enters him. He's about to tell the man as much, but Jungkook is already slicking his cock up with lube, so V bites back the plea that had been on the tip of his tongue and holds his breath as he peeks through his fingers.

Jungkook squirts a generous amount on his hole as well. V jerks and trembles as Jungkook's fingers rub and prod at his rim, letting out little gasps and whimpers from sensitivity.

Two fingers slip in easily, he slips in a third digit almost just as smoothly as the first two.

"You're so good for me, baby. My good boy. So perfect."

He leans over his husband's body again, trailing kisses over the skin of his chest, all the way up until he manages to gently pry his arms from V's face to plant one on his lips as well.

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