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                W h e r e     I t      F i r s t     B e g a n

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W h e r e I t F i r s t B e g a n

Peter was searching through his lockers for his textbooks when he heard someone approaching him "Hey. It's Peter, right? "

Peter turned his head to be greeted by the blonde he would admire from afar "Yeah my name is Peter" the boy smiled nervously

The blonde had the most beautiful smile plastered on her face "I really like your photos" she complimented his photography skills

"Oh, thanks" peter blushed and the blonde began to ask him a question "Listen... are you busy Friday night?"

"No" Peter answered in a heartbeat

"Can you take pictures of my boyfriend's car?" Gwen asked hoping he would say yes

"You know, I really wanna frame a good one... for his birthday" she rambled on

"Sure " peter said smiling however a part of him was a little disappointed

"I'll have a look at the old..." - " The old schedule"

Peter smiled at the thought of her finishing his sentence

" thank you again Peter " she began to walk away but stop half way and turned back to look at him.

" Oh I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Gwen Stacy" she smiled waving goodbye to him

Peter stood their shocked that he just had a conversation with the girl he has been crushing on for years but who never noticed him

" Did I just witness you talking to GWEN STACY !!" Ned's jaw dropped watching the whole encounter

~ Little did Peter know that 1 year from now he would be dating the girl of his dreams

NO WAY HOME - PETER PARKER Where stories live. Discover now