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                        W H O   A R E    Y O U  ?

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W H O A R E Y O U ?

Gwen's phone began to vibrate on the nightstand, she had just returned to her room from showering

Gwen answered the call " Ned? " she couldn't understand what he was saying since he was speaking fast

" Woah... slow down Ned, I can't understand you " She covered her other ear with her hand so she can try to hear better

Ned took a deep breath in " I'm sorry to have to tell you that Aunt May passed away a few hours ago "

Gwen was in a state of shock after hearing the news, all she could think about was Peter and his well-being. " What happened? Where is Peter? "

" I don't know, we have been trying to call him but it keeps going straight to voicemail. Can you please come over to my house and help us look for him" Ned begged Gwen

" Ned you don't even have to ask, I'm on my way" Gwen quickly said goodbye and hung up. She quickly rushed to her closet and threw on the first outfit she saw before running out the door


Gwen stood outside of Ned's house, she stood in a green coat, with a purple skirt, and a deep purple blouse. She even had her signature knee-high boots

Gwen made her way up the stairs and knocked on the door. She patiently waited for Ned to open the door and not a few moments later the door opened

" GWEN! " Ned embraced the girl in a hug and even spun her in a circle which caught her off guard, that was until MJ yelled from the couch  "Ned stop spinning her before you give her brain damage "

Ned put her down and his cheeks turned pink " Oh sorry Gwen,  I don't wanna give you brain damage " which made the girl giggle

" It's okay Ned, I missed you too, " she said giving him one more hug before entering the house

Gwen waved at MJ " Hey, how are you " MJ asked while getting up to give her a quick hug

" I'm doing much better, thank you for asking" Gwen takes off her coat and sits down at the table

Ned's grandmother, Lola walks out holding plates and silverware " Hi Lola, let me help you out " Gwen stands up and grabs the stuff from her

Once Gwen was done setting the table, she noticed MJ and Ned watching the news in terror and despair

She walked over and stood right next to them "...and we can confirm at least one person has been killed" the news reporter says

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