Chapter 2

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It was now the next day, it was exciting for Izuku as it would be the first day his shop opens up. He wasn't expecting a lot of people to show up considering it's a hard place to find and all. Boy, was he wrong. Many people showed up today, some pro heroes too. Izuku guesses it's common for pro heroes to come by new business to help the start owners have some popularity? Izuku doesn't know, that's just what the R-rated pro hero, Midnight told him.

After serving lots of new people, some people bought some plants, some people bought my deserts, even the coffee, thought that one wasn't much of a surprise. Coffee is a really popular drink in the morning to afternoon, sometimes even after that.

Time flew by extremely fast, it was already time for him to start covering his plants outside, it's winter, and he doesn't want his plants to freeze.

A couple more hours later, his shop ends ten, so that way goes to patrol around 10:30-11:00, and then he can come home around three-ish, it all depends on how the night goes. The shop door chimes, and in comes in Pro hero Eraserhead and Present Mic. Izuku immediately tense at the sight of Eraserhead, but calms himself down.

Eraserhead has never seen anything but my eye color, and it's not like he can figure me out by hair color, maybe my height. But, my voice different and my mask color is different too. He won't I'll be fine!

Izuku walks over to where two sat down and takes their order, "Hello, what can I get you two?"

Present Mic looks down at the small paper of food and drinks he sells and picks the pink sprinkled donut along with a nice herbal tea.

Izuku look over to Eraserhead, aka, the hobo hero, he says he'll take a black coffee, extremely strong. He jots his down on his little notepad and walks back into the kitchen, grabbing two mugs. He starts making the herbal tea for the loud one first and then grabbing the hobo is black coffee making sure he put extra pumps in it for him and his black soul. Lastly he grabs the pink sprinkled donut out of where all the others were being kept warm and fresh putting it on a small glass plate.

Izuku brings out their order with the mugs in one hand and the plate in the other.

"Anything else I can get for you both?" Izuku asks bringing out his notepad again.

"No that'll be all, thank you sir?" Present Mic asks questioningly.

Izuku chuckles, "No need to say sir, you make me feel old. If you look at the sign above the register you would see that it says to call me Haru Akio, either is fine." Izuku smiles at the pro hero. The blonde munches on his donut in embarrassment. "Oh, also, whenever you're ready, the total will be 2025 yen (Y'all I looked it up okay? 2025 yen, is like, $13 USD). The hobo looking one nods for his company.

Ten minutes later, they come up and pay, I wish them a good night and close the shop early.

Today was a lot busier than I thought it was going to be, but at least I earned some cash, 60% of this will go to the shop, the other 40% will go to me.

~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~

The two pro heroes exit the new shop, "Hizashi, we have to go there again. Their coffee is delicious." Shota melts, something Hizashi rarely sees. "Haha! Really? That good huh? Well, maybe. Well'll see Shota." Hizashi pauses as he hugs his husband, "I'll see you home when your patrol is over, be safe. Love you." Shota mumbles it back and Hizashi smiles.

Shota runs the roof tops and starts patrolling for a few hours, his phone started ringing, he looked at the contact and it showed the devil. "What do you want Nezu?" Shota asks over the phone. "Is that anyway to treat your boss?"

"Of course not. I'm just on patrol, a little hard to answer a call." Shota says back at the rat. Shota is not afraid to talk back unlike some other teachers he know. "True true, I'll be quick. I'd like you to get information on the vigilante Shinjetsu"

"Nezu, we've been trying that guy for a year now, you think asking now is going to make a difference?"

"Well I hope so, considering I'm going to have a meeting on him tomorrow morning, nine o'clock sharp. On information I've gathered and a plan. I would just like a little bit more. Is that too much to ask?"

Shota sighs and agrees saying a small yes Nezu before hanging up and putting away his phone in his pant pocket.

"You looking for me Eraserhead?" a voice says startling the pro. Shota turns around not seeing anyone but feeling a tap on the shoulder behind him, he quickly turned around seeing Shinjetsu, his first reaction was to try and capture him.

"Eraserhead! I was just trying to have a conversation, how rude!" the vigilante yells. His attitude and his voice don't match up sometimes. It's a little weird, but not to weird to look into.

"Sorry, lets have this conversation."

Shinjetsu walks in front of Shota and sits down on the ground. "Nezu asked you for information correct? What do you want to know? I'll answer what I want. You might get something, you might get nothing. So, shall you sit down with me?"

Shota shivers at the reminder he gets from the vigilante in front of him. Reminds me to much of Nezu...

Shota grunts and sits down with the pro hero. "How old are you?" Shinjetsu makes an X with his arms "Sorry, ask something else!"

Shota does his usual sigh and asks again, "What would you like to tell me?"

Shinjetsu's eyes sparkle, "How about, your weaknesses? I've been wanting to talk to you about them, you know? Help a fellow hero out?"

~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~

1014 Words

I hope I don't drag the chapters, that is not my intention, please let me know If I do!


• Hikaru

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