Three ♡

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"Hey, hyung?" Namjoon hummed, catching Yoongi just as he was about to leave. Dance practice had just finished for the day and the seven of them had planned to go out to the bar for a drink afterwards.

"Yeah?" As he turned back, Yoongi saw all six of his friends staring back at him. None of them had started to collect up their things yet. He mentally cursed as he realised they had planned to hang out as a way to clear his schedule.

"Can we talk?"

Sighing heavily, he dropped his bag and collapsed onto the floor again, waving for the others to sit down as well. "Should have seen this coming. We never plan to go to the bar, it's always spontaneous." The seven of them sat in silence for a second, making Yoongi grunt out, "well?"

All of them jumped slightly. the oldest rapper assumed they hadn't really planned it out well. Taehyung recovered first, starting out by bowing his head in apology. "We're sorry if we were too much a few days ago. We just want the best for you. You always complain about being lonely... we thought a girlfriend would help."

Yoongi's smile was sour. "It's alright, I understand. I'm sorry if I was too harsh as well. I... I never meant to say that actually. The, uhm, the end part, I mean. It just slipped out. I don't suppose you'd forget about it if I asked, would you?" He chuckled as if what he was saying was a joke, but he really did mean it.

"What's their name?" was what Seokjin asked instead.

His head fell back as he laughed. "God, I have no idea. I knew it once, but... it changes." Yoongi hummed, thinking.

"What do you mean 'it changes'?" Jimin grumbled, "that makes no sense."

Yoongi was silent for a moment. He seemed slower than usual, taking his time almost. Almost as if everything he said and did was calculated. "It's complicated," he finally settled on. "We were complicated. Are complicated. What matters is I'm in love, and I know they love me too." Something in his expression changed, face softening, eyes flooding with light. "One day we will meet again. That day... that day is what I'm living for."

His words left a strange silence in the studio. "You never even mentioned them before." Hoseok's voice was laced with hurt, like it was offensive to him.

The oldest rapper looked around his group of friends. "Not because I don't trust you all. I do. It's just... complicated. I never tell anyone. It's for me to deal with alone. Or... with them when we finally meet again." Hope shone through his expression. "And we will!" he added quickly. "Just not sure when that is yet..."

"That's all the information we're going to get out of you, right?" Jungkook asked.

When Yoongi nodded, the six of them huffed collectively, making the second oldest chuckle. "Maybe when I meet them again, we can discuss more."

Jimin pouted, his signature puppy dog expression making an appearance. "Will you not even tell us if they're a man or woman?"

In response, Yoongi just pushed himself to his feet and moved towards the door. "You all promised drinks, so let's get drinks." Winking over his shoulder, he added, "and Jimin's paying for asking such stupid questions."

The man in question's jaw dropped open. "Huh? Oh, are they non binary? Is that it?" he called after the second oldest, but he was already gone.

The others, on the other hand, seemed quite pleased at the prospect of free drinks, the five of them already having packed their belongings away. Taehyung pulled his soulmate to his feet with a smirk. "Thanks in advance for the drinks, Chim Chim."

Jimin gaped at the younger's back as he sidled out of the studio. "But you don't even drink!"


whats your favourite song?? mine is the stars, i love it so so muchhhh <333

hope your having a great day/night!!

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