Eight ♡

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All of the knights were gathered in the courtyard late afternoon. Haksoon and Seongjun were well used to the filthy looks and sharp elbows they received from their surrounding knights by this time. Thankfully, the bullying stopped when the Commander called for everyone's attention.

The Princess stood behind him, her entourage crowded around her. Her expression was stony, the way she always had to appear in public, but her eyes seemed to shine. Even from across the courtyard it was obvious to the pair.

"The Princess Eunsook was here for more than just a progress visit today," the Commander announced, voice booming across the enclosed area. "She was here to view your training and make an informed decision about which two knights will be leaving to join her at the palace. Her entourage can not stay with her always, which is why she needs two new knights by her side to protect her. These two knights will need to be prepared to sacrifice their lives for her if the time comes for it. They will need to constantly stay by her and guard her fully. With such a difficult role to fill, I was surprised when she told me she had decided so soon.

"The pair she has chosen are easily some of the best knights here. She was wise in choosing them." The way he gritted his teeth sounded like he was struggling through the compliments. Haksoon felt his heart jump. The only people the Commander had never complimented were him and Seongjun.

The corners of his lips curled upwards despite him trying to keep his face neutral. The Princess really was going to save them.

"The pair chosen by Princess Eunsook are as follows." Taking a roll of parchment in his hands, he rolled it open and began to read out the names. "Choi Haksoon and Park Seongjun," he announced, eye twitching.

A rumble rippled through the courtyard as the knights grunted to each other in protest. Haksoon and Seongjun made eye contact, eyes soft and sparkling. For the first time in a while Haksoon started to think perhaps things were going to be okay in the end.

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