Twenty ♡

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Eunsook and her two knights sat on the grass under the same tree they confessed under a few weeks earlier. Everything was going perfectly. The three of them were closer than ever, spending all of their time together. They all had this overwhelming feeling of happiness.

The Princess had organised a picnic for the three of them. It was late afternoon and the sky looked exquisite, oranges and red streaks painted into blue.

"I love you both," Haksoon smiled, staring up at the tree from his space lying in the grass. His two partners were lying with him, their heads all together in the middle.

Eunsook giggled gently. "Aw baby, we love you too!"

Seongjun laughed, reaching a hand over to ruffle his boyfriend's hair. "We really do."

"It was scary, y'know? Falling for you both..." Eunsook confessed quietly into the silence. "You were both together. Both in love. How was I supposed to fit in? Besides, I am a girl and I didn't even know if either of you liked girls."

"It was scary for us too." Seongjun confessed quietly. "We had no idea how to admit it to ourselves we were in love with someone else. It's always been the two of us since we first met. At first adding another person seemed so scary."

Haksoon nodded along, before finding a space to add his own thoughts. "You made it easy though. We would go home and be awkward around each other, trying not to admit anything, but then when we went back to you the next day it became easier again just like that. That's probably part of the reason we even told you. Anyone else and we would have probably disconnected ourselves until the feelings died."

"That's true," Seongjun hummed. "You made it too easy."

The three of them laughed, the sound filling Eunsook's ears and her heart. A sound she hoped to hear every day. "I wish this moment could last forever."

Seongjun snorted softly. "That's impossible, but we can make even more memories together." He reached out, taking the hands of both his loves. "We can keep making happy memories together forever."

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