chapter 2

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demi's pov

Oh so he's a smart talker aye I raise my eyebrow

"no I just.. just thought it was very weird "I say stuttering and sweating when his dark brown eyes are staring right at mine as if he can see right through my soul maybe he's reading my thoughts I say creeping myself out.

He can be a rapist?

A serial killer ?

maybe stalking him wasnt such a good idea

"Weird.. but wouldn't you think it would be extremly odd if I was talking to the water or myself since you and I are the only ones here "he says out smarting me again

"you're new arent you"he says

"um..yeah"i say scared yet facinated in him

"where are you from love "he says with his thick accent making me stutter already

"am from"

"oh your from the states,nice" my heart started racing theres something about this guy he's just so mysterious. His eyes filling every bit of my mind with mystery. As i stood there i couldnt help myself but stare at him he's just the best description to perfect

"is there something wrong with me "he says snaping me from my daydream

"what ?no why "

"well yout just staring at me as if am some kind of creature "he says taking another drag of his cigar blowing a cloud of smoke into the air

" am sorry its just that ....Okay well am gonna get going now "I say really awkward I feel him grab my wrist making a wave of electricity all over my body giving me the chills and every piece of hair raise up I looked up to stare at him and meet with his eyes he looks shocked or scared I can read his facial expression now, something I couldn't do when he was in the rock he releases my hand and turns around taking another drag of his cigar

zayn's pov

once I grabbed the girls hand I felt something weird and unfamiliar for me my heart started racing and I started sweating and felt electricity run through me I got nervous, I quickly release her and keep my cool. I take a drag of the cigar and take one last glance at the girl before releasing the smoke i drop the cigar on the ground, stomping it,making the ashes spread out

demi's pov

"umm i didnt mean to grab your hand"he says looking at the ground

"its okay, no worries" i smile to him

"whats your name love?" His brown eyes looking deep into my soul

"demi, demitria lovato,And yours ?"

"Zayn malik, nice meeting you demitria...."

"Demi call me Demi "I say with a smile

"Alright Demi, you should really get going it's getting late " oh I get it now he wants me to leave am I that bad in company it's my first day here and I already irritated him

"Yeah bye "I say turning around And walking away

"Wrong way babe "he says with a chuckle I instantly blush but I doubt he noticed since it was dark out

"Oh yeah "I say putting a strand of hair behind my ear

"Want me to take you back "he says

"Ugh no I got it, but if people start freaking out because I didn't make it home , some kind of creature attacked me or I ran away.. wait is there like wolves around here "

he was about to say something when I stop him

"Or Bigfoot "I say covering my mouth because I scared myself and scary thoughts went through my head like what if an alien kidnapped me . He slightly chuckles

"You sure you don't want me to take you "he says leaning on the rock

"Yeah am sure "I say with a smile and start walking. After awhile I felt as if someone was behind me. I softly twist my neck a bit and see a black figure following behind me. 'Oh shit oh shit oh shit' i murmur to myself, i quicken my pace. It was really dark so i decide to get my phone out and use the light as a flashlight. I reach into my pocket and notice it wasnt there 'SHIT! FUck my life' i was doubting to either 1. go back and retrace my steps to look for my phone or 2. Just go home and come back when the sun is out. Yeah definitely not 1 , its to dark out. I noticed the person behind me was catching up so i start walking faster. It starts walking faster. I start running and he starts running. 'My first day here and im already going to get killed!' i thought to myself

"Wait! I cant run that fast!" I slow my pace, i recognized that accent, i turn back to see zayn trying to catch his breath. I walk towards him.


"Yeah.... i ... i... i found this, umm i think its yours." He hands me something.

"Ahh my iphone! Thanks "I say catching my breath also

"I scared you huh "he says looking anywhere but me

"yeah,I pictured you as a alien or a rapist know about to rape me "

"it's not considered rape if you like it "he whispers in my ear and I can feel his smirk my body shuts down and I get the chills everywhere and by everywhere I mean everywhere. I look up and finally both of our eyes lock and my heart nearly came out of my chest and my hands start getting sweaty and am having like a mini heart attack

"So yeah you should get home" he says interrupting the moment we were having

"i should" i start to walk off leaving him behind. My ringtone goes off. It was a text from a strange number  ive never seen it before.

Stranger: hi (:

Me: hi, whos this?

Stranger: wow you forgot about me so fast? (x

Stranger: its zayn

Me: oh hi zayn! Oh sorry i didnt know it was you. I dont have your number saved?

Me:howd you get my number actually?

Zayn: when i found your phone and noticed it was yours, i called my phone from yours so i can get your number saved

Me: oh so you went through all that trouble just to get my number, You know you couldve just asked

zayn:guess i like trouble ;)

WOW. wait is that a winky face a smile forms in my face and i cant stop smiling i keep re-reading the text when i collide into someone eeeeeeeeeeeeek

"what the hell are you doing at nearly 11 in the morning"

"dad,i was just you know getting used to the neighborhood "i say scared of his reaction

"go inside the house ,wow whats gone into you " i walk inside the house super pissed i mean i never cause anyone trouble and the first time i arrive at 11 they already want to kill me . And when lidia is having sex in her room no one seems to hear anything which is really gross by the way i went to my room and put some comfy clothes on and went too sleep my last thought being zayn

Just one look in your direction, we made a connection Not a connection we once had, you and me somewhere sweatin' You look like a lotta, trouble but I gotta See what kind of trouble you are Baby I.. can't.. decide.. if I live.. or die But I.. know.. tonight I want that fire in your eyes

burnin'' up ne-yo 


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