Chapter 6

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Questions for the zodiac signs (answer in a comment)

Aries: imagine the whole world was listening to you right now..what would you say?

Taurus: name five guilty pleasures you have

Gemini: how do you vent your anger and/or sadness?

Cancer: if you could permanently get rid of any insecurity/flaw you have, which one would it be?

Leo: name five good things people have said about you

Virgo: what is the best decision you made in your life so far? what is the worst?

Libra: if someone gave you a million dollars and you could only spend it on 4 things, what would you spend it on?

Scorpio: what would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?

Sagittarius: imagine you had only 5 minutes to relive one of your best moments..which moment would you relive?

Capricorn: what is your biggest 'what if'?

Aquarius: what is one thing you wish people would understand about you?

Pisces: what would you want to be written on your tombstone?

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