The Quirk

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It is currently Izuku's 4th Birthday

Izuku's POV:

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed when all of a sudden I heard the door to my bedroom open and humming, then I felt someone kiss my forehead and gently shake me awake

I slowly open my eyes to see my lovely mother standing over me while humming a song

Inko: "Is the Birthday boy awake yet?"

She said when she finished humming. My eyes flew open as I sat up quickly with a large smile plastered on my face

Me: "Mama! It's my birthday and i'm FINALLY going to get my quirk!"

Inko chuckled lightly before speaking again

Inko: "Yes you're going to get your quirk and also find out what you're second gender is, now get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast"

Inko said as she went to the door, but stopped in front of it and looked over her shoulder at me

Inko: "It's pancakes!"

I then watched her exit the room before I jumped up and ran to my closet, quickly picking out some clothes and changing. Then I ran out my room and down the stairs to the kitchen where I saw a plate with a couple pancakes stacked on top of it

I quickly sat on the chair that was in front of the pancake filled plate and devours them

Inko: "Woah Izu, i've never seen you this excited since forever! Slow down!"

I heard her chuckle as I stared at the now pancake-less plate, I then looked up at her with a pout

Me: "No can do mama! I really wanna know what my quirk is~!"

I'd wine and I heard her chuckle again

Inko: "And we'll find out what you're quirk is in a few minutes, so be patient"

Time skip

I was holding my mom's hand as we entered a room after waiting for, what felt like ages, a doctor to come and tell us what my quirk was

Inko: "Alright Izu, sit still for the doctor"

I sat on a chair and immediately sat still, waiting for the doctor to do their thing

Doctor: "Thank you, i'll be right back with the results!"

After she said that, she exited the room and now we were waiting again

Once she came back she had a smile on her face

Doctor: "Good news! Your son has a quirk"

Inko: "Really?! What is it?!"

Doctor: "His quirk is called Archer, it allows him to use both his hands to mimic a bow and a glowing arrow will appear where you'd normally put the arrow on a normal bow, and when he opens the hand that was pulled back, it will release an energy arrow"

Doctor: "His quirk is called Archer, it allows him to use both his hands to mimic a bow and a glowing arrow will appear where you'd normally put the arrow on a normal bow, and when he opens the hand that was pulled back, it will release an energy ...

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This is what the doctor is doing with her arms and hands

I'd watch the lady move her arms and hands to mimic holding a bow, my eyes were bright with interest and happiness

Inko: "Oh.. Thank you very much! And what's his second gender?"

Doctor: "Izu over here, is an omega"

I saw her gesture to me as she spoke and I turned to look at my mother with pure happiness

Inko: "Ah, thank you for the information, we'll be leaving now"

I was about to say thank you to the kind lady when my mother stood up and pulled me out of the building, she then dragged me to the car, I got in and so did she and then we started driving back home

Me: "Mama? Are you happy?!"

I asked with joy in my voice, completely forgetting the incident that occurred in the building we were just in

Inko: "Shut up."

I felt hurt when I heard what she just said, but I nodded silently before turning to the window and looking out of it, sitting in the car quietly as we headed back home

Once we got inside the house i saw my mother taking down the decorations

Me: "Mama..? Why are you taking the decorations down?"

Inko: "Because the party is cancelled. Now go to your room."

Me: "But mama, what about Kacchan, Aunty and-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence, as I felt a hand slap me across the face, my eyes were wide and I slowly moved my hand up to my, now red, cheek

Inko: "I said go to your room brat! The party is cancelled so stop complaining!"

I looked up at my mother as tears started to well up in my eyes

Me: "Are you not happy about my quirk...?"

I looked away and closed my eyes tightly when i saw my mom hold her hand up, ready to hit me again


I opened one eye to see her lowering her hand slightly

Inko: "You should've gotten a quirk like mine or your fathers.. and you're just a stupid Omega! No Alpha will ever want you!"

I flinched at her words as i watched her turn around to continue taking down the decorations

Inko: "If anyone asks about your useless quirk tell them that you're quirkless. And don't you even THINK about speaking now! Go to your room and stay there."

I nodded quickly before dashing towards the stairs and to my room, once i reached my room i quickly shut the door and leaned against it, soon sliding down it so i'm sitting on the floor with tears pouring down my face

Whats wrong with my quirk..?!

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